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Photograph ; Chapter Six ❁

I stride my way back to my room as I heard my phone rang.

"Hello, Joshua? Can I ask you a favor?" It's the wedding planner.

"Yes sure, what is it?" I fixed the phone in between my ear and shoulder, digging my pocket for the car keys.

"I know you're very busy but could you please go check on the flowers that I ordered for the wedding? I'm in the middle of gown picking with the bride right now, I can't leave her."

"No, it's fine sir." Found it! "I'll drop by and make the order. What kind of flowers am I ordering?"


He then sent me the address and the store name.

Cara T. Flower shop

I stopped infront of a not-so-enormous building. A large array of flowers displayed on the street. To walk there was to be bathed in heavy perfume. I gazed up at the writings above.  The shop had a slight coloration of pastel orange and a large plate glass window. The shop was gleaming inside and out, it had the sterile, over air-conditioned feel of a big boxed store. The uniforms of the assistants were immaculate and bright, but their smiles were pasted on and shallow.

"Cara T. Flower Shop" This is it.

Entering the shop, the scent of flowers and other plants that I couldn't recognize greeted me together with the worker on the counter who's currently doing a flower arrangement.

"Good morning sir, How can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm here to check out the flowers that are ordered for a wedding." she looked at me—puzzled.

"The one ordered under SVT? I was sent to check it out." I cleared.

"Just a minute." she took a brown clipboard—that I believe is where the orders are listed—and ran her index finger through it as if scanning for something. "Carnation, right?" she smiled.

"Yes?" I answered although I don't know what kind of flower it was. "It's a beautiful flower? It's perfect for a wedding?" Why am I speaking in questions? I gave her a phoney smile, wishing that she'll not ask me anything about what I know about Carnation because I wouldn't be able to answer any of those.

She smiled back and dropped the clipboard on the counter, "Come, I'll show you some of its sample arrangement." She said over her shoulders as she led me to the way but as I was about to follow her, the chimes jingled as it made contact to the door.

"Good morning!" Mr. Vernon greeted cheerfully.

"Mr. Choi, what are you doing here?" I turned around reaching for a handshake but he insisted a bro-like hug.

"Just some husband duties." his eyes narrowed as he tilted his head to the side, "You know what, let's just talk to each other freely."

I shook my head in reply, "I shouldn't."

"Come on Joshua, we're at the same age anyway. You should be getting married soon too." I couldn't help but chuckle at his statement. Actually I am a bit older. Okay, sigh a lot older, but this guy is getting married first. Not that I wanted to get married but still.

Photograph » Seventeen Joshua FanficWhere stories live. Discover now