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Photograph ; Chapter Three ❁

Wearing a white mandarin-collared sleeves and black fitted slacks for work, I stepped out of my room carrying my camera around my neck. On my left hand, I hold on to some important files that I need to bring with me.

Once I've locked my door, I turned to my right and made my way to descend the low flight of the house when I saw Cara who had just walked out of her room; dressed with a different but still slightly revealing clothes. With her sleepy haze, she stretched and stifled a yawn. Her gaze landed on me and my eyes reflexly looked away. What happened last night was horrendous.

I withdrew my hand from her chest, flustered as she is. Horrid and disgust was written all over her face. Cara clenched her fist into a tight ball. The next thing I knew, a swift slap was planted on my face.

I kind of deserved that.

Cara turned around and retreated to her room. I heard a loud slam of the door. Guess she's still mad.

I looked at the wall clock at the main door and wondered when did the hour hand had gone missing. Am I the only one who noticed that?
I darted my glance on my wrist watch and saw the accurate time—8:00 AM.

Shit, I'm late.

Dragging my gait, I descended the broad staircase, rushing my way to the parking lot. I rummaged in my pocket for my car keys and started the engine.

As I saw a couple that's seated side by side through a transparent glass of a grimy window, I pulled over in front of a coffee shop. Although a bit nervous, I managed to plaster a smile as soon as I saw my client looked at my direction through the glass. I entered the café to see orange walls and chestnut brown tables throughout the area. The strong bitter aroma of ground coffee beans drifted in the air soaking into my clothes as I made my way to my client's table. Usual gentle murmur of voices could be heard above the churning sound of the coffee machine.

"Hello, Good morning." I greeted with a jovial smile, reaching out for a handshake. "I'm sorry for being late." I apologized, hoping for them to be understanding.

"It's okay, have a sit." The man who I assume to be around my age smiled and shook my hands. "It's better late than never." He joked making me chuckle.

"I'm Vernon Choi." He finally introduced himself. "and this is my lovely fiancée, Sophia" With those words uttered, his fiancée gave him a quick smile.

"It's nice to meet such a wonderful couple, you look perfect together. I'm Joshua Hong, I will be your wedding photographer." I introduced myself.

Mr. Vernon's eyes sparkled as we discussed about the photo shoot and how the invitation card will turn out. A smile crept up to his lips despite his effort to contradict it. However, I can't help but notice his fiancée, quietly sitting on the chair with her eyes fixated on the table wearing those humdrum expression. She hadn't suggested anything and or at least joined the conversation. She was rarely speaking.

I stared at her for a second before asking "How about you, Ma'am? Do you have any ideas in mind?" She raised her gaze on me, crossing her arms. "I'm fine with anything." Her forced smile didn't go unnoticed. I mean, it's obvious. Mr. Vernon turned to her, trying to figure out what's wrong.

"Are you okay?" He asked, tucking the strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Yes, I'm okay. I just don't feel really well." She answered massaging her temples.

"Really?" Checking for her temperature, Mr. Vernon placed the back of his hand on her forehead. "You seem hot. Do you want to go home?" Worry sketched on his face.

"I think we should." She bowed her head.

"Alright, let's just continue this some other time." He slightly ruffled her hair turning his head to me. "I'm sorry but we have to go Mr. Hong." He smiled and shook my hands.

"No, it's okay." I smiled as we stood up, ready to leave the place, "Let's just continue this talk another time."

"Thank you. I'll give you a call."

"Sure, no problem. Rest well Ms. Sofia."

We exited the café together, heading to our own destinations.

Taking my leave, I drove off the road while tapping my fingers on the steer with some rhythm coming from the stereo. My eyes wandered through the tinted window of the car when it passed by a famous bakery. I didn't know what came into my mind but I stopped by the huge building that tinged pastel pink— to at least make it up to Cara, maybe?

A bell rings as I came in, greeted by the aroma of wholesome goodness. In the glass case, sugar shimmer like snow on the cinnamon twists while donuts glimmer in their translucid icing. My eyes was caught by the most appealing cake that was in-line with the other cakes and pastries in the display case. It was a small round cheese cake that looks smooth in texture and was topped with small chunks of strawberries.

"I'll take this one please." I told the lady in the counter. She placed it in a fancy cake container and wrapped it up with a glittering ribbon.

I handed her the bill, taking the cake with me.

I put the cake at the front seat and drove slowly making sure it won't be ruined. While I was on my way, I memorized some lines that I needed to say to apologize. After a couple of turns, I finally arrived the house. Opening the front door while carrying the cake and got everything what I needed to say in my head, I don't know if she's going to forgive me but it's worth a try.

Once I fully entered the house, I found Mr. Collin in front of Cara's door mumbling words that I can hardly understand.
"Get lost!" I flinched at the same time Cara bellowed through the other side of her door making me cower. I hid the cake behind my back, trying to invisibly pass by them.

      Please don't notice me.

Please don't notice me..

I creeped into my room and thank the almighty universe; they didn't notice my presence. I placed the cake on my working table as I sat at the edge of my bed.
What happened? I asked no one in particular.

Shaking the thoughts off inside my head, I stood up and hied towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. At the same time, trying to ignore what's happening outside.

I've finished my routine but the noise hasn't died down yet. I could still hear the old man knocking on Cara's door non-stop. Instead of feeling annoyed, I somehow felt pity towards Mr. Collin.

I hopped on my feet, grabbed the cake and charged towards the door; sending a loud battle cry internally.

"Do you have a key for her door." I asked.

"Yes." Although a little startled with my sudden presence, he managed to answer.

"Give it to me."

"I can't do that. We respect everyone's privacy in this house."

"Just trust me."

He released a huff of defeat and ended up handing me the key. I opened the door and a loud sigh escaped my lips.

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