[ Nine ]

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"Sean" I turned to the glossy black coffin lying beside the podium, I could see his perfect little nose, small mouth and still fluffy green hair. All of him perfect in every way imaginable but sometimes life was unfair and this was one of these times. "Seanie, Jackaboy, babycakes, sweetcheeks. I love you with all my heart, you are my world, my sun, my moon and stars. I will always love you and you have no idea what you have done for me. You made me the happiest man on earth and I remember that time when I said 'I don't know what i'd do without you Jackaboy' and look at us now."

At this point, I was sobbing. My throat felt like it was being strangled and my eyes wouldn't clear, but I didn't need to read my script for the last message to my boyfriend, no. I knew everything that I wanted to say.

"Jack I will never forget you, you are the love of my life and the light that always guided me. I hope people realise what they have done and I hope they feel so damn sorry because you didn't deserve to be unhappy, you didn't deserve to die the way you did."

I stopped, I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped my speech script and ran out of the reception room.

The things I hate about you {Septiplier}Where stories live. Discover now