[ Ten ]

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I sat on the empty swing set. Tears still running down my salty cheeks, I had run to a small park down the road. I was mad, mad at the world for letting people say those horrible things, mad at Jack for not telling me anything and lastly, mad at myself for not doing anything at all.

I pulled out Sean's 'suicide note', it was slightly crumpled but very clear.


I know you will be the first to find me, and this is what makes my decision extremely hard. Mark I love you, so so much but the hate, it's too much. I've been depressed for a long time and its just gotten worse. For once, you can't save me and I'm truly sorry for that, I wish you could but sometimes life just works out differently. I said all those things in the Cafe in hopes that you would hear so that it was easier for you to let go of me... Please try to move on, I don't like you being sad, not one bit for your face is to pretty.
I love you Mark, never forget that but now I must say goodbye.

- farewell, your loving boyfriend.
Sean xox

By now I was in hysterics, he meant so much to me and had so much to live for. But what was worse is that i had to face the world, without my rock, without my soulmate, without Jack.


I decided to make a video as a goodbye. The world already knew about Sean so why not tell them personally about me?

"Hello my name is Markiplier and today, I have a sad message for you. For some it may not be sad but I still wanted to tell you. As you know, today was Jacksepticeye's funeral. He died from committing suicide because of some stupid fuckers who bullied him, trash talked him and made him feel like shit. And now, that he's gone? I am leaving too."

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

"I don't want to live in a disgusting world like this, especially now that i don't have Sean. So this is my goodbye, thank the fuckers who killed Sean for everything. You've lost my respect and probably a lot of others.
Goodbye, for the last time"

I whispered before ending the recording. I uploaded it without any editing, it wasn't necessary.. I just wanted to leave.

Suicide is a hard thing when you look at it, its hard to bring yourself to do something that your body is trained to fight against. But sometimes, your just so done that maybe, just maybe it becomes easier to lift that knife or step off that ledge or even take the last fatal pill.

For me, it was easy. I had given up and I just wanted to see my beautiful Seanie again...

So I stepped, and flew for the last time.

The things I hate about you {Septiplier}Where stories live. Discover now