Chapter 4

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Tanner's Pov:

I felt the shocking pain in my heart from the acceptance of Isabella's rejection. I never thought that she would actually leave me; she said it with so much hurt in her eyes to the point that it not only hurt my wolf, but me too. As much as I hate cheaters, it pains me twice as much to know she actually rejected me. She deserves better than me, and I know for sure that if I were her I would have rejected me too; I slapped her across the face and called her those horrible words.

I rejected her before I even got to know her. I took Jessie's word instead of my true mate's. The girl that was supposed to be made for me left me on the floor her with the pain I caused the both of us. She will hate me and never trust me again. What if she gets another mate? I don't think I could handle seeing her with another guy, which would kill me.

The hurt in her eyes, the salty tears running down her face, and her broken heart was because of me. My life felt so empty without her, and I just met her today. What if she goes home and harms herself because of what I said to her. OH NO I couldn't live with myself if she did. If she died then I think I would follow after, I may just have ruined the only thing that would make me happy in this world. Maybe I should just leave her alone I mean I already messed everything up with her, she deserves happiness and I'm certainly not it. Wait, what am I saying I have to apologize to her and show her I can be the mate that she deserves. She is mine and no one will have her.

"YES GO TO HER TANNER!" my wolf was his wagging his tail of the thought of getting his mate back. For once we were actually agreeing on something. I need to go find her right now or maybe I should wait till after school, she probably needs some time to herself right now.

I got off of the hard tile school floor and went back to the cafeteria to go grab my things; school was letting out in a little so I need to be ready to leave as soon as it rings. Waiting by the door was the she wolf Jessie smiling at me. She came up to me and kissed me on the lips, which kind of grossed me out because right now I wished to have nothing more my mate's pink plump lips on mine. All the males of the pack looked up from their conversations and fist pumped the air. I wonder why they would do that though it was just a kiss. Anyways I needed to tell Jessie that we were over.

I tugged on to her wrist and brought her out of the cafeteria. We were walking through the empty halls to find a vacant classroom that I could talk to her in. Once I found one I brought her in and closed the door.

"Wow you're for round two already?" she asked trying to be seductive.

She was traveling her hands up and down my torso with a really weird seductive smirk. God how I wish I could just see my mate's smile right now. Jessie was reaching down my pants and that's when the warning bells in my head set off to stop her. My wolf was snarling and growling at the she wolf.

"We need to talk about something so can you please stop for a second, okay?" I was starting to get annoyed by her.

"Oh baby it can wait." she dragged out each word to make it sexy but it really just wasn't working for me. She sort of sounded like a seventy-two year old smoker.

"NO Jessie I'm breaking up with you, I want to be with my ma-"

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