Chapter 7

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"Is she dead?'

" I don't think she is?"

" Dude she's hot!!"

"Dude you can't perv on a dead person!"

" Shut up you guys are such pig!!!!"

I snuggled up into the soft satin covers t-, wait what the actually fuck?! What bed am I in and who the hell are these voices talking? Am I dead and the voices I'm hearing actually belong to dead souls? I really hope I'm not dead I didn't even get to kiss Harry Styles yet, well I probably wouldn't have gotten a chance even if I was alive but that's besides the point! The point is I can't be dead please don't let me be dead I need to try to wake up.

"Wait guys shhh I think she's waking up." the female voice sounded.

Well that's a sign that I'm not actually dead. I began to open my eyes gently because otherwise I know that my eyes would burn from the sun. I blinked a couple of times to clear up my vision a little bit, right now I could only see 20/20 which is practically blind to a werewolf. When I fully regained my vision I was greeted by five pair of eyes looking down at me with different emotions. They all just looked at me then looked at each other then back down at me.

"Hey babe long time no see." the mysterious brunette boy with smokey grey eyes said whil smirking down at me. He was really cute but he just wasn't my style he was more of a new born puppy kind of cute.

"Dude really?!" I turned my head in the direction that the voice came from only to be greeted with a boy that looked exactly like the other guy, but this guy's lips were more red and had a beauty mark on the right side of his lip. I really need to get my eyes checked.

"Hey knock it off you two, I'm sorry about them they can be really annoying sometimes. I'm Jordan aka your new best friend."

Jordan was a very pretty girl she had smooth blonde hair with brown highlights in them and her eyes were a beautiful hazel - greenish kind of color. What really caught my eyes was the giant standing next to her. He very muscular, I mean the dude even had muscle on his neck! He had his arms wrapped around Jordan's waist in a loving manner so I knew right off the bat that he was her mate. Seeing them made me wish that I had a loving mate like that. He had a cute dirty blonde fo-hawk with beautiful green emeralds he looked about 6'3 while Jordan looked about my height. Finally I'll have at least one friend that I won't have to look up to.

"I'm Holden Jordan's mate and beta of the Red moon pack, which you happen to be in."

"Yeah yeah no one cares!!! I'm Ryder babe and this stuck in the mud here is Riley my twin." Ryder was the twin that tried to hit on me when I first woke up. Riley looked at his brother with a annoyed facial expression.

I couldn't help but to giggle at their playfulness. I could tell that they were going to make me laugh a lot. The next guy who spoke I thought was the best looking guy out of all the guys I've seen so far. He had Jet black hair with the brightest colored blue eyes. He smiled at me and showed me the most cutest face grins I've ever seen in my life. He was well built like all of them were with the exception of muscle man Holden. I have never seen a fat werewolf in my life. That's why it really surprised me when Tanner called me fat.

He extended his hand out towards me and said." Hi beautiful I'm Mason aka your new best guy friend."

I cried on the inside because I knew that when he said "your new best guy friend" that meant he wasn't interested in me. I guess he could tell by the way that my face fell that I was greatly disappointed in his choice of words. He quickly got over to me to explain things to me.

"Oh no honey it's not that I don't think you're cute or anything, well .... it's just that well-" Jordann got tired of his rambling so she quickly interrupted him.

" Mason here likes it in the brown eye! Gosh was that so hard Mason!!"

"JORDAN!!! Mason shrieked to be honest all of us looked at her like she had grown a third head but she just shrugged.

After she shrugged it off we made eye contact and bust into a fit of laughter, everyone soon joined in. Once the laughter died down the one question the I hoped no one would aked was asked by none other than chick magnet Ryder himself.

" So why are you here anyways." all the current events of the past few days came flooding back and I burst into tears.

" AWH baby girl please don't cry, you don't have to tell us." Mason scooted himself onto the bed with me while rubbing my back and pushing my face into his defined pack. Too bad he's soon Jordan joined our cuddle session once she declawed herself out her mates arms.

" No NO I iiii Neeed to telll yooouu guys." I sniffed up most of my tears so I could tell my story of how I got here. I needed to stop crying anyways that douche bag didn't deserve my tears.


I told my story from the very beginning all the way to the end. I even told them about my parent's death and I usally don't tell anyone about that, but for some reason it felt like I could tell them everything. The only person I ever told was Jessica gosh I missed that girl so much. I hope she isn't too upset about me leaving. Maybe I'll write her or call before I go to bed.

"And that's how I ended up here." At the end of my story angry growls and tears filled the room.

" That douche bag!" Jordan yelled

" I'm going to find that asshole and bury him in a hole alive with nothing to breath through but a flexible bendy straw!" we all turned around and looked at the person who said that. Greatly suprised we were greeted with a guilty blusing Riley.

"Too far?" I knew from that point on not to mess with him, because this dude was class A crazy!

Holden looked sort of dazed and soon after so did all the others in the room. Suddenly a wide smile spread across Jordan and Mason's faces, then they both started screaming and jumping. I covered my poor sensitive wolf ears.

"Okay so our alpha Alex sai-" Mason began to talk but Jordan so interrupted him again

"That you could join our pack and come to school with us and stay in the pack and train with us." she said this is in all one breath which amazed the hell out of me. Mason playfully glared at her which also earned him a protective growl from Holden.

I was actally going to be in a pack with people who like me? This is a fresh new start for me. I could actuallyh be happy here and not have to worry about Tanner. Plus I'm only joining jut any pack, but the strongest pack in all wolf history. So hell yes I was going to join. I soon started squealing along with Jordan and Mason. That soon died down when both Mason ad Jordan joined a tight circle whipering to each other. They turned around and looked at me evilly.

" One word soooooo many emotions babe." Mason said the soon after Jordan finshed his sentence.


Oh yeah.



Mason ----->

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