Chapter 11

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     I've never felt a blanket this soft before it literally feels so warm right now. I don't even want to wake up from my coma of sleep; I knew sooner or later I would have to in order to go to school. As I snuggled into the blanket giving it a tight squeeze I felt a vibration underneath me along with a purr. Awe how cute is- wait, what the heck?!

    I shot up completely falling off of my bed face first into the ground. As I surfaced from the ground I heard the smallest meow meaning there was obviously a cat somewhere around. I came eye level with my bed moving really slowly trying not to startle the little kitten. Once I confirmed that the furry creature was still on my bed I stared at it in awe.

    It was so tiny and cute!!! It was gray with black strips and the cutest big brownish-blue eye I've ever seen. It cocked its head to the side as if studying me then walked my way. I am highly allergic to cats so I didn't want it too close to me, but it was too late the little fuzz ball had it's head all rubbed up against my arms. I waited for my allergic reaction to kick in, but surprisingly it didn't! Which was totally a good thing, because this means I could keep him!!

    I have never had an animal in my house when I lived with my brother because he believed that animals "needed to be in the wild not in our house" I thought it was jut his way of being lazy. Like come on hasn't the guy ever heard of lap cats? Those cats don't even want to step their paw out the front door sometimes. So I'm definitely going to keep this cat, especially since I'm not allergic to him.

"Awhh you are THE cutest thing I've ever seen, and I shall name you... Tom." He looked like the cat from Tom and Jerry.

Tom just nuzzled his face underneath my chin and purred and that almost made my heart melt.

  That was until Jordan ruined the moment by slamming my bedroom door open and damn nearing making Tom and me piss our pants.

" GOODMORNING BESTFRIEND!!!" I swear she never tones down on the volume of her voice but hey, you love her anyways.

"Good morning Jordan can you be a little quiet you're scaring Tom." I covered my hands over tom's sensitive ears.

"Awh he is absolutely adorable Bella!" she grabbed him out of my hands and scratched the back of his head making him purr loudly.

"I know I just found him in my bed this morning and usually I'm allergic to cats but not him. I thought one of you guys maybe got him." Jordan looked at the tiny kitten with questionable eyes and then smirked.

" This definitely is not my kitten but here why don't you take him back and get ready for school." she handed Tom back to me and walked out of the room closing the door.

   I placed tom on the bed and started my morning routine. I pulled out the clothes I would wear; which was a black knee high lacey dress with a jean jacket to go over it. Simple. Yet effective. Once I put that on the bed I went to my underwear and bra draw and pulled out my black matching it to blend in with outfit for today. I walked towards the bathroom to take a shower only to notice that my little Tom was following behind. I stepped in front of him before he could get through the shower entrance way.

" Oh no you don't little guy, momma needs to take a shower." I picked him up and put him on the bed before returning to the shower and closing my bathroom door.

   After making sure I cleaned all spots of my body I stepped out of the steamy shower and retrieved a nice fluffy towel from the rack beside the shower. I dried my body off and put my underwear and bra on while I let my hair air-dry. I don't feel like straightening it today, so I figured I'd leave it wavy. I walked out of my bathroom to find Tom sitting right in front of the doorway almost making me step on his tiny fragile body. Luckily I stopped myself or he would've been a flat fried egg on the hard wood floor.

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