Chapter 10

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Anonymous Pov:

She was simply just...beautiful.

 Everything about her was just amazing. The way her chocolate brown hair moved through the wind made me want to run my fingers through it. Her body was simply perfect. She had all the curves in all the right places; the way her jeans hugged her made her irresistible; I had to have her.

My favorite feature on her, though, were her ocean blue eyes. I could see all of her emotions through her mind. Shit, I could even hear her thoughts...

She thought I was hot, and let me tell you, the feeling is mutual my friend. I had to have her; there was just something about her that drew me to her the very first time I set my eyes on her. My body was already practically begging for her touch. I have now made it my mission to have her, I wanted her, and I always get what I want.

Isabella Pov:


That's all I could feel in my legs as I weaved through the trees, in my wolf form, with nothing but my drawing pad and pencil. I already left a couple of shirts and pants at my secret hide out because I automatically knew that I would be visiting that beautiful waterfall again. I needed to get my mind off of the jerk of a teacher I had at school today. It was bad enough that he was my teacher, but to find out he was also my Alpha, only made me feel worse.

   Some people may think: Your alpha doesn't like you, so what?

Well, being rejected by my mate was horrible, but being rejected by your alpha is ten times worse. It's like not being accepted for who you are. I guess that's why I am so hurt. I've been rejected all my life by my mate, friends, and even some of my family. Now, I come to this new pack thinking I might actually be accepted here, only to be rejected by this gorgeous man.

Gosh, everything about that man was pure perfection. From his hair...all the way down to his toes. He had really dark brown hair almost like a black, and his eyes held so many colors. I couldn't keep my eyes on just one color, and his plump pink lips just made me want to smash my lips against his and never leave them.

A person like me could never have a guy like him. He was basically, like... a god, and I was just...well, me. He was just another thing I craved, yet, couldn't have, and this made my heart swell with even more pain than my legs had built up.

I heard the splash of multiple water droplets kissing the pond below it, and knew that I was close to my hide out. I really hope that my buddy is there today. I want to actually paint the picture I drew of him. In order to do that, I needed to look into his eyes so that I could try to capture all the colors embedded within them.

The crystal waterfall came into my view; halting, I stared in awe at its natural beauty. The smell of the wet grass filled my wolf nose and soothed me; slowing my rapid heartbeat from the hard run I'd just had. Just standing in this one spot made me at ease and calm. If I could just stay in this one spot, and not have to worry about anything, I would.

But everyone has to wake up from their wonderful dream at some point.

I allowed my bones to crack, shifting back into my nude, human body. The mini water droplets escaping the pond, hit my body while I walked to a tree that contained my clothes. I threw on my dark blue short shorts and my faded rolling stones T-shirt. I basically had to sneak this past Jordan, or she would have thrown it out. She said, anything that reminded me of my past life needed to go away. But, this shirt, I just couldn't let go of...Jessica got it for me. I really did miss the blonde headed beauty; maybe one day I could visit her. I'm sure she missed me too we are best friends.

I sat in the damp grass, pulled out my drawing pad, and flipped to the picture that held my feline friend on it. My wolf inside me purred.

"You're a dog, why are you purring at a cat?"

I honestly do not know why I just did that; it kind of just slipped out. Dogs don't even purr so I have no idea what just happened.

I didn't even question her anymore after that since I already knew that I was weird. At this moment, I felt so at peace since I really haven't had much time to myself lately. Mason has literally been dragging me around everywhere with him. Don't get me wrong, I love that guy, but it's just really nice to get some time to myself, and my wolf. I continued drawing the final details on my feline friend's eyes, making sure that I got every single color and emotion held in those circular orbs, correctly.

My nose soon picked up a certain scent that smelled like a wonderful citrus and woodsy smell that sent my wolf into an absolute frenzy. It was so tempting and blissful at the same time. I dropped my pad and color pencils to the side of me and ventured off to see where that wonderful scent led. Within a quick second, the trees to my left shook swiftly and I automatically knew who it was, or so I thought I did. 
 With my animalistic speed I raced and to the direction in which the scent came from and came face to face with.......
(Ahaha you should of saw your face, you thought I was going to end it here?)

ROUUGES!!!! There were six different wolves with the same mouthwatering scent. They led me to them as a trap and I actually fell for it! I could've sworn I've smelt that scent before. It is so familiar! My wolf even recognized it! I can't be going crazy!

A dirty-blonde wolf on my right snarled at me to get my attention. As he stood in his attack stance, I got ready in mine, ready for anything he could throw at me. I may not be the best fighter, but my dad did show me how to protect myself. Blondie jumped at me trying to snip at my front paw but I swiftly moved to the opposite direction of him, and clawed at his eye on his way down to the ground. He didn't like this very much, and got back in his defensive stance within seconds charging at me. I remember my dad telling me the trick to this when a rouge ever tried to come at me, I just really hope this works. 
He came charging at me, and the rest of the wolves watched as I stood, still waiting...waiting for perfect timing. He was so close to me, but I waited until he was nearly inches away from me; at this point I chomped my canines into blondy's neck, sinking them deeper and deeper into the vulnerable area.

I have had enough of other wolves trying to control me, and being able to handle this wolf, by myself, really boosted my confidence. I felt the body in my mouth go limp, and as his body weight fell, the other wolves turned their attention away from their dead leader and on to me, baring nothing, but their sharp teeth, prepared to attack me.

I am scared shitless I went from hero to zero within myself at that very moment, well... until a large brown Grizzly bear jumped in front of me protecting me from further damage of the rouges. At that point, I was already digging my wolf paws into the earth, all the way back to the pack house, and away from the bloody battle about to occur. I didn't care who survived, because whatever animal won would've probably killed me anyways.


So I'm sorry I haven't been writing in forever, I guess I got caught up in a lot of realistic things, instead of my story and i'm so sorry. I have more time to write now since lost my job a dance academy which is kind of bitter sweet. So hang in there with me guys I love all of you!!!!! I haven't forgot about you.


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