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Peridot was online talking to some people. And writing a little story's but then this person she has never seen on there commented on her works!!
And she wrote ~hello I'm lapis Lazuli but my user is *water angel 134* and I love your user and story!! And wondering if we could be friends?
Peridot was wondering if she should say yes cause Peridot didn't really have any friends cause she's always busy doing other things. She thought for a moment and replied back ~hello *water angel 134* and thanks for liking my story's. but I'm not sure about being friends? cause to be honest I never really had a friend before cause people find me boaring and don't want to hang out with me...... Please!!! You seem really cool to me plus I don't really care to be honest I don't have any friends either u thought you could be my first friend but if you don't want to be my friend it's okay I understand.... :(
~wait lapis!!! Okay we can be friends but I was wondering if you can help on how to be a friend cause with me having no friends I don't really know how to act around them.....
~of course we can learn together!!!

Okay this is my first lapidot story I hope you like it?? I was wondering on what I should write cause I didn't really know what to write..... But I'll update a new chapter tomorrow and if I don't the next day for sure!

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