Telling Steven about a old friends revenge!!

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(It was morning time. Peridot was just waking up... but lapis was still sleeping so Peridot tried not to wake her up! So Peridot quietly sneaked out of the house....heading to Stevens house and tell him and the crystal gems to get prepared for the attack of my old friend Zircon. *35 minutes later* Peridot finally arrived at Stevens house but Steven was still sleeping so she knows she got up super early... but she couldn't help it she had to warn Steven about Zircon and their town could be in serious danger!! So she just sat on the couch and waited for Steven to wake up......*35 minutes later* Steven finally woke up and headed down stairs where he saw Peridot sitting on the couch!) Oh hi Peridot! You ready to learn on more how to be human? Uh actually Steven no! Because I had a strange dream where a old friend of mine wanted to come to earth and get revenge that means he wants to kill me and kidnap lapis and take her back to homeworld....and he said this isn't a dream it's true, cause I think I was talking through his mind or something but it really felt like I was talking to him..... hmm well Peridot your not the only one who has experienced talking to people through mind waves or something! Question were you sleeping? Uhm yes I was! Why?? Because that happened to me before and I just wanted to see if it worked the same way as mine.... but you can't just be telling me all this you gotta tell Garnet, amethyst,pearl about this cause their the ones in charge and who has face stuff like this before... okay! Where are they? I think their in the temple in their own separate rooms RN....can you hurry up and get them cause I need to warn them!?!?! Don't worry Peridot Garnet has future vision she knows when there's trouble ahead!!! (Soon Garnet comes running cause she had a vision where peridot needs to tell her something important!) What's going on Peridot? Cause I saw in my future vision that you need to tell me something important!! Yes Garnet! There's going to be an a attack by an old friend of mine, he wants revenge! He's coming to earth to kill me and kidnap lapis!?! And the whole town might be in danger! Okay!! Luckily I have a special button to tell the other gems to come just incase of a emergency like this!! (So Garnet went behind the cabinet and pressed the red button! Then the other gems heard the alarm going off if in their room so they came quickly!!) Garnet what's the emergency? Pearl said! Theirs a gem who's coming to earth to get revenge hes going to kill Peridot and kidnap lapis, but he could also come to earth and destroy it!! So we need to practice and get ready cause he can also bring back up!! And Steven needs to evacuate with the rest of the humans and bring Peridot and lapis with you cause his main target is those two so they need to go with you so they can stay safe! So Garnet when do we start evacuation? Now Steven call mayor Dewey! Okay time for some political favors!! Universe what's this thing in the sky? As a polition pointing make me really nervous! Mayor Dewey the whole town is indanger we need to evacute! Evacuate? Its going to be hard i'll need a catchy name! Eeevacute eeevacute....people we need to declare evacuation, evacuation....."Peridot get lapis"! Okay? (Peridot ran to her house to get lapis! She finally arrived at the house and lapis was watching t.v) lapis!?!?! (Then lapis turned her head quick to see what's wrong with Peridot) "Peridot are you okay. whats wrong"?  Lapis we gotta leave now!!! There's danger coming to our planet!?! Peridot don't worry will stop your old friend from killing you or kidnapping me or hurting any of the other humans!!! Hmm okay. We can stay and fight with the gems!!!  Okay let's go then!!!

      Okay I hope you like this chapter? I'm sorry i haven't updated in awhile I got kinda busy with other the next chapter will be out soon as I get the time!!

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