Hanging out with lapis!

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    (Lapis woke up and went down stairs to see where peridot and Steven are? Then she saw Steven and Peridot and on the couch and talking to each other!) Hey guys what you talking about? Nothing! Peridot said....(then lapis went to the couch and sat next to peridot) so what we going to do? How about we go to funland! Hey Steven you wanna come? I'm sorry I'm busy with uhhh folding laundry😉...why are you winking at Peridot and me? Sorry I had something in my eye... okay then let's go Peridot!! (Lapis and Peridot headed out the door on the to funland! They were walking through the beach and lapis was staring at the ocean then looked up at the sky and started to tear up)😢 what's wrong lapis? Peridot said.... well Peridot I just miss homeworld and being with my diamond and being told what to do? Cause I don't know what to do if no one tells me, cause I'm one of those gems who needs to be told what to do! But I try not to show it I try to hid it and act like I'm happy on earth! Do you feel the same? Actually no lapis cause on homeworld I didn't really feel free and when I listen to people and do what they say they end up yelling at me or changing plans I only get to do my part one time then other gems take control, on this planet the crystal clods I mean gems actually listen to my ideas and go with my plan full way! And they treat me much better I feel like their my real family.... oh I didn't really know you cared about earth and the crystal gems cause you really don't show those emotions! That's because I don't want people not to take me seriously and pitty me because if those feelings I kept inside all that time until I released them, Which felt so good!! Wait Peridot you kept those feelings ever since you and the gems became friends and fight against evil? Yeah! Cause with you telling me how much you missed homeworld and your diamond! Reminded me of my past and how the gems on homeworld treated me! And I gotta tell you it was worst....but now I have you and the gems I'm happy with my life! (Peridot and lapis arrived at funland then they try to find a ride not too scary or boaring) hey what about the roller coaster? it's not to boaring or scary!
"Sure" Peridot said but we will have to wait in this long line...... well it's worth it and if we leave will lose our spots and more people will come and we would have to wait in a longer line.... Fine! But what are we suppose to do while we're waiting? We can just watch people on the rides or playing eye spy whatever you wanna do! No lapis you do what you wanna do, cause I really don't care at the moment and one more thing what type of food you want me to buy you? Oh? well I want to watch people on the ride the roller coaster to see if it's not to scary 😓 or to boaring😪😴....... okay but the ride doesn't seem to scary or boaring it looks safe and fun to ride...*34 minutes later* (they finally made it to the front of the line and got on the ride but Peridot was shaking, she was scared) Peridot you okay? I'm fine just a little scared...(then lapis put her arms around Peridot and telling her its okay! Peridot put her face in lapis chest holding on to her tight!! Lapis began to blush) it's okay Peridot i'm here for you! Peridot was smiling thanks! (The ride began! the roller coaster began to go up!) Heh this isn't so bad! (Then when the roller coaster got at the very tippy top it was going down really "FAST' Peridot be to scream and lapis was having fun saying yaaaaaaaaaassssssss!!!!!! Then Peridot grabbed onto lapis real tight!) Lapis began to*blush really hard* (but she wrapped her arms around Peridot laying really close to her) and saying it's okay I got you, I'm here for you! Peridot began to smile and say thanks! (The ride was over! Peridot and lapis realized what time it is then went home! *25 minutes later* they made it home! Then lapis remembered they didn't talk to Steven!?!?) Peridot!!!! I remember we forgot to ask Steven about this human dating! No worries lapis I already talk to him about it! So what did he say? I can't tell you! (Then Peridot remember she had to go report back to Steven but she was to tired to go to Stevens house. So Peridot and lapis got there p-jays on and cuddle next to each other and went to sleep.)
        I hope you like my chapter 2? I like the way it came out! I'm going to read other story's now. Bye!

Lapidot!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin