getting to know each other!

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Peridot was in her room messing with her screen. And lapis was in the living room messing with her phone.
"Peridot then begin to scream" ~ahhhh~ then lapis began running into the room to see what she was screaming about? "Lapis my screen has shut off" then lapis gave peridot a searious look "like really You screamed cause your screem turned off"-_- "yes"? Peridot said! Ugh peridot! "Ahhh" lapis screamed my phone turned off"! Peridot gave a sigh. What are we supposed to do now? Then lapis had an idea! "How about me and you hang out?" Peridot said sure i guess then they both went into the living room together and sat down on the couch. It was awkward silence about 5 minutes until lapis said "how about me and you just talk awhile" peridot said okay! Uhm lapis can i uhm nevermind. "What peridot"? Well lapis ever since you became my friend and being nice to me i would like to say thank you" ~peridot hugs lapis" lapis got a bit shocked then hugged her back. Peridot then whispered into lapises ear and said ~i think i have a crush on you as well~ then lapis stopped hugging peridot and looked peridot in the eyes. "Uhh i'm sorry i didn't mean to say" peridot got cut off with lapis kissing her. Peridot was shocked! Lapis stopped kissing peridot then said "i have a crush on you as well".....

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