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(It was early morning. Peridot and lapis were still sleeping, then the gems finally got home.. (Steven went to his room, then he saw a sleeping peridot and lapis cuddling close to each other ^_^...... )Steven said awww they are so cute together!😍 (Then peridot woke up to see Steven was watching her and lapis sleep together!) (Then peridot realized that her head was in lapises chest! Peridot blushed so hard)
Steven it's not what you think! Me and lapis came to your house last night, cause me and lapis wants to trying a human dating together! But we don't know how this human ritual works so we came to ask you... cause your half human we thought you would know more about this! (Steven eyes turned into stars) really of course first we need to get something Romantic for lapis! Have any ideas? (Peridot looked Steven in the eyes with tears down her face) no 😢
And if i don't get her anything she won't like me anymore.... that's not true lapis loves for the person ypu are and i do too! How about we go to the mall and look for something but i want you to hang out with lapis to see what she likes then report back to me!
Okay!! Peridot said.....

Now I'm going to do a chapter 2 it's not the continuing until tomorrow! So i gtg and get busy with the chapter 2 bye!

Lapidot!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя