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    I'm sorry i haven't been updating in awhile i got a little depressed and had a idea of cimmiting sucide....but thanks to a certain friend on here I'm much better now! So since i made it where peridot and lapis both have a crush on each other i wanted to make it wait i can't say just wait and see!

         There were a silence between lapis and peridot while they were kissing each other. Until lapis broke the kiss and asked peridot this *hey does this mean were dating?* Peridot blushed! *blushing* i-if you want to, i really don't care, and i understand if you say no :(..... Lapis said i would lke to try a date with you but there is a problem i don't know how this human ritual works? Well we can ask Steven about these human rituals that we wanna try cause he's half human he must know the meaning of date?.  Okay can we ask him now? Wait lapis what if he is on a important mission with the gems and probably not at home? Well lets go to his house and if he's not we can just wait their until he gets back. Okay but what are we suppose to do if he is on a mission with the gems? Well just find a board game or watch a movie or find something to entertain us! Okay then.

           I'm sorry i made this short i'm going to continue this i just need to think on what else to write. Cause i don't want to write something and it not to be worth reading...well gtg bye!

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