Chapter One

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Adiara Malek woke up and quickly dressed in the dark. She started every day the same. She would run long distance, grab breakfast then do some hand to hand and PT before lunch. Then Leia would ask her to do some meaningless task that would take up the rest of her day; but, at least with all her training, she was the best hand to hand fighter in the Resistance. If she stopped for even a second she would think about him. Thinking about him brought too much pain and too many questions that would be forever left unanswered.

She finished pulling her hair back into a ponytail as she walked out her door and headed down the hall towards the outside.

"Going for a run, Adi," a voice came from behind her.

"You know it, Dameron," she responded turning to face him while walking backwards.

"Care for some company?" He said jogging to catch up with her.

"Depends," She said turning around.

"Depends on what?" he said slowing to her pace when he had reached her.

"If you can actually keep up with me; and truthfully, I beat you last time we raced," she said with a smirk.

"I have gotten faster," he responded with a grin.

"Sure you have," she responded as they walked outside the compound.

"Race me and I will prove it," He said stopping.

"Seriously Poe? You want to race? Fine lets race. My usual track. Start here, follow the path through the woods, then go across the hills and back around. It is about 6 miles give or take," She said with a grin.

"Only six?" he said with a smirk.

"Yes only six. Besides, you will probably chicken out after one mile," she said grinning back at the piolet.

"I will not chicken out. When have I ever chickened out of something?" He asked.

"Whenever you have to fight me in Hand to hand," she said matter-of-fact.

"I was sick, I didn't want to transfer germs," he said looking away.

"Are we going to race or stand here discussing the fact that you won't do something if you know you will lose?" she asked looking at him.

"Fine," he said. "GO!" He added as he took off towards the path in the woods.

"HEY! That's CHEATING DAMERON," she shouted as she sprinted towards the woods.

"All is fair in love and war," he called back.

"Who ever said anything about love," she muttered under her breath.

It didn't take much for her to catch up to him. She slowed to his pace for a little bit, jumping over rocks and logs in her way.

"I would say we are pretty much even in running," Poe said breathlessly after a while.

"Keep thinking that, Dameron. Just know, I am running at your pace," she said between breaths.

"Is that a fact?" he asked.

"Yes. O look, there is base," She said before speeding up and sprinting to the base door. She stop and turned to face the path that Poe was running down trying to beat her.

"YOU CAN DO IT, POE," She called crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.

"I CAN SEE YOUR SMIRK FROM HERE, TROUBLE!" he called back as he ran down the hill to the door.

"I hate when you call me that," She said when he reached her.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have made me think I had a chance to beat you," he said with his hands on his knees, taking deep breaths.

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