Part 4

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                                                                                  Say Something

Adiara slowly made her way to her closet, holding on to the end of things to maintain her balance. She stood there for a few moments, debating on what she should grab. Part of her wanted to grab a pair of her running pants and go for a long run to try and forget everything that had happen. However; she knew she was under strict restrictions and with Poe standing guard, she would never get away with it. She took a deep breath and decided to just wear a light dress that Leia had given her for birthday. She also grabbed clean underclothes and started to make her way to the bathroom.

Since Poe had started the shower before leaving her bedroom, the bathroom was full of steam. Adiara was grateful for this. She could only imagine what she looked like. She slowly removed the robes that had been put on her in the medical bay and the monitor from her wrist. Setting the monitor on the sink, she carefully stepped into the shower. She stood there for a few minutes letting the hot water beat against her sore muscles. Her mind started to wonder. She was worried about what would happen if she failed to show up on Naboo in a week's time.

Her thoughts turned to what Ben had made her see. Poe being tortured right before her eyes and eventually killed while she could do nothing to prevent it. Her thoughts turned to what Ben had made her see. Poe being tortured right before her eyes and eventually killed while she could do nothing to prevent it. She knew deep down she could never betray Leia but what could she do to protect Poe? He couldn't always be in her line of sight. And what could Ben do to her on Naboo when she tells him no. Would he kill her? Would he take her prisoner and then search out Poe?

Tears began to fall down her face and she slowly slid down to a sitting position and pulled her knees up to her chest. She was lost and she didn't know what to do. She sat there for what seemed like only moments, lost in her thoughts. A soft knock on the door snapped her out of them.

"Adi, are you alright?" Poe's voice came softly.

"Yes, I will be out shortly," She said slowly standing up.

She washed quickly and then shut off the water. She dried her wrist off first and put the monitor back on. She wrapped a towel around her body and then one around her hair. She slowly stepped out of the shower, holding on to the shower door so she did not lose her balance and fall. She made her way to the sink and held on to the edges while looking down. Even though the bathroom was steamy, she still didn't want to see herself in the mirror.

After a few moments, she took a deep breath and slowly stood up to her full height. The steam in the bathroom was fading and she slowly lifted her head. When she saw the mirror she fell backward against the door, which fell open and she landed on her back with a scream.

"Adi!" Poe screamed as he opened the door. "What is wrong? Are you ok?" he asked running over to help her.

Adi didn't look at him. She was staring at her mirror in horror and disbelief.

"Adi?" Poe asked kneeling beside her. "Adi, what is wrong?" Poe looked into the bathroom where Adi was looking and that's when he saw it. Someone had written on the mirror "One week or Dameron dies!".

"Poe," Adi started, grabbing his arm, but he quickly swooped her up and placed her on the bed and then ran to the control panel by the door.

"Get me, General Organa," He said pressing the button on the panel.

"Dameron," Leia's voice came.

"General, someone is here," he said urgently.

"What do you mean someone is here?" she whispered back and Poe quickly explained what happened.

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