Chapter Two

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Say Something

A/N: I am going to try and update as much as possible. Try being the key word.

Adiara's eyes flew open and she jumped up, looking at the area around her. She was standing in the middle of a lighted circle that had a lighted path behind her and red lights around the wall. She spun around slowly trying to take in everything about her. When she finally reached back to the front that is when she saw him.

"Hello Adiara," Snoke's hologram said from his throne.

"You actually consider yourself so high and mighty that you sit on your own throne?" she said smugly.

"I would watch your tone if I were you. I have I not already taught you that I can hurt you from anywhere?" Snoke asked.

"Where am I?" Adiara asked.

"Physically? I am sure you are in the medical bay of the Resistance base. Mentally? You are in a sort of a dream that resembles my chamber on Starkiller base. What happens is up to you."

"So, if I close my eyes and count to ten, you will be gone?"

"No. I am in control of this "dream" so to speak. I wished to talk to you face to face."

"Nothing you could say to me would make me switch allegiance. I have no family for you to threaten; and you do not know where the base is. You have nothing to hold over me."

"Is that a fact? What about Mr. Dameron?"

"We both knew the risks when we vowed allegiance to the Resistance," she said lying through her teeth. If she were to lose Poe, she would be beside herself in grief and have no one left to turn to.

"You cannot lie to me!" Snoke yelled.

"Let me try to speak to her," a mechanical voice came from behind her.

"Kylo Ren, I see you decided to join me after all. After all you failed to find this one and destroy her before she could join the resistance. As you wish, if you do not convince her to join us, then you must find her and destroy her," Snoke said menacingly before disappearing.

"Adiara, follow me," Kylo said coldly through his mask.

"Why should I? There is nothing you could say to me that would make me want to join the dark side or even trust you for that matter. You are nothing but a traitor!" she yelled as tears slid down her face.

"Let us go somewhere more private to speak," he said opening the door behind him with a wave of his hand. "I could make you but I am giving you the option." She just stared at him. "Please, Adi."

"No!" she said crossing to him. "No! You don't get to call me that anymore!" She said to his mask as tears slid down her face. She pushed past him and walked out the door.

"How?" she asked as she stopped dead. They weren't inside a building anymore but they were outside standing the middle of a field of wildflowers. She could feel the wind on her face and hear water nearby.

"Snoke handed me control of the vision when he left, Kylo's cold mechanical voice came.

"Because letting me wake up and return to the people I actually care about would be too much. How long are you going to keep me in this vision prison?" she asked turning to stare at him. She noticed that the door they had walked through had disappeared behind him.

"I won't keep you here long. It isn't safe too."

"And how do I appear in the real world? You know where I actually am?"

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