Part 3

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                                                                                     Say Something

"Adiara, I have to leave the room, so the doctor can look at you," Poe said trying to reassure her.

"I don't want you to go," she said grabbing his arm.

"I will be right outside with General Organa. You will be able to see me the whole time out the window," he said placing his hand on her shoulder gently and giving her a soft smile. After a few moments, Adiara gave a slow nod in agreement and Poe gave her hand a gentle squeeze before leaving the Medical Bay.

"What do you think happened to her?" he asked as he leaned against the window, watching the frightened girl within.

"I am not sure; but, we should not push her to tell us. She will tell us in her own time when she is ready to. The next few weeks, maybe even months will be hard on her, physically and mentally," the General said quietly, glancing at Adiara.

"General," Poe started.

"I know. You may delay your mission for a few days, but no longer. Your mission is vital to finding Luke," she responded before he could respond.

"Yes, General," he responded before glancing back at the terrified girl feet away from him.

"I know how you feel about her Poe. It is written on your face whenever you look at her," she said looking at him.

"General," he started but she raised her hand to stop him.

"She feels the same for you. It is nice to see love blooming in a time of war. However, it seems Kylo Ren and Snoke are using her feelings for you, against her, torturing her with it. It means they know you have feelings for her. Should you be captured by The Order, they will do the same to you. They will use her against you," she said calmly. "You must distance yourself from her. Not completely. Do not break her but protect her and protect your mind."

"I am not sure I can, General. The past few days of not knowing have been unbearable," He said looking away from the window and putting his head in his hands.

"Make no mistake, Poe. The Order will use her against her. You must be careful. We all must." She said as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "You have three days, then you must leave."

"Yes, General. Am I dismissed?" he said standing up straight.

"Yes, go to her. I will notify the base that she is awake and to remain undisturbed unless she requests to see them."

"Thank you, ma'am," he said before walking back into the medical bay to talk to the doctor.

"Good news Malek. The doctor says you are physically fine and you might be able to return to your own room tomorrow, with conditions that are," Poe said as he sat on the edge of her bed.

"If I am physically fine, then why tomorrow? Why not today? And what conditions?" She said sharply.

"They want to keep you another night just for observation. The condition is that you speak to the psychiatrist or therapist on base, and come in daily to be double checked for any potential side effect from what happened," he said calmly.

"I just want my own bed, Poe," she said looking at him with tears in her eyes. "And my own clothes."

"Do you want me to grab a few things from your room?" Poe asked gently.

"I would rather go to my room and shower and change," she said trying to get out of bed.

"Malek lay down," Poe said pushing her back down. "You have just been through a lot. You need to rest and trust the medical team."

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