Chapter 5

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The walk to school was completely different from any other day. Instead of having the feeling of dread in my stomach, I was excited. Excited to see JB. My JB. James was just as excited as I was about school, he needed to know I wasn't kidding and that I was actually dating JB. I could see the school coming in to view and my excitement was becoming uncontrollable and I began skipping with James's arm in mine. I could see the guys standing outside the school gates waiting on us but JB stood out to me. He smiled and came over to meet me, his mouth claiming mine. We pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"Good morning" he muttered to me.

"Morning" I muttered back.

A shadow suddenly came over us as the rest of his friends surrounded us. I looked at them all and smiled at them.

"So this is the girl who took JB'S heart. Always knew it would be you" BamBam said to me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He's joking of course" Junior said to me nudging BamBam.

"Yeah yeah I'm just joking around" he said quickly.

Something seemed off but I decided not to look too closely at it.

"So how are you guys?" I asked them.

"We're good. Aren't we?" Jackson said looking at them all. They all nodded in agreement.

"Uh okay" I said.

The bell rang and everyone parted, I could see girls staring at me as JB took my hand and we began walking in to school. It felt good to show these thirsty ass girls that this boy was mine, I was chosen. This boy actually liked me and wants to be with me.

"Will I see you guys at lunch?" I asked turning around the face the guys.

"Yeah totally. We'll save you and your friend a seat" Yugyeom said as he turned to face James. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name"

I saw James's face light up as he asked his question. He always had a soft spot for Yugyeom.

"I'm James" he stuttered.

"Nice to meet you James"

I could see James dying from inside. He was trying to contain his excitement and I could see him straining, it made me giggle slightly.

"Okay well we'll see you guys at lunch" Mark said as they left us.

JB quickly pecked me on the lips and left me. I never realised how pale he was until now and I was looking at him up close. It made him attractive but yet I didn't know how someone could be so pale. I watched him walk away until James slapped my arm breaking me out of my daydream.

"Come on let's go to class" James said to me.

"Yeah sorry" I said.

We went in to the classroom and in to our seats. People glanced over at me now and then and I could hear them talking about me. I had new label, JB's girlfriend. It was a label I had to learn to get used to.

Fast forward to lunch

James and I skipped our way to lunch making our way over to their table. They had brought over two empty chairs to their table so that it seemed as though we were welcomed. I did feel welcomed since we came over and they all screamed.

"TAYLOR! JAMES!" They screamed as we sat down.

"Hey guys" I said laughing at them.

"Enjoy your classes?" Youngjae asked from across the table.

"Not really. How bout you guys?" I asked.

"Same to be honest" Youngjae said to me.

I went in to my bag and grabbed my lunch from the bottom of it. I noticed that none of the guys apart from James was actually eating something for their lunch. Weren't they hungry?

"Aren't you guys hungry?" I asked.

"Nah we ate before you guys came. We skipped our class before lunch" JB said quickly from next to me.

"Oh okay" I said before continuing to eat my lunch.

It felt weird sitting at the same lunch table as the guys. They were the most popular group of boys in our school and James and I were getting to sit with them. People from other tables were whispering about me and James and it was starting to annoy me, what was so interesting about us sitting here?

"You okay Tay?" James asked me.

"Yeah. Sorry I was in a daydream again" I answered.

"You need to stop doing that" he said laughing at me.

I felt JB's arm drape around my shoulders and pull me closer to him. We snuggled in to each other and enjoyed the rest of our lunch with the guys. They were seriously funny and made me laugh until I was crying. But the fun ended once the bell started to ring. I groaned and reached for my bag that was under the table. I turned around and quickly kissed JB before leaving him.

"See you at the school gates" I said to him.

"Shame we don't have English today huh" he said.

"Yeah, we don't have it til next week"

"Oh yeah it's Friday. What you doing tonight?" He asked me.

"Don't know. How?"

"Well want to come over to mine?"

"Sure. I'll give you my number" I said reaching for my phone and giving him my number. "Call me when you want me to come over"

I gave him a quick peck and then left the table with James as we headed towards our classes. I just wanted the day to end.

-School gates-

I skipped my way over to school gates where JB was already waiting by himself. He smiled as he saw me skipping, he put out his hand and I grabbed it. He gave me a peck on the cheek and we began to walk out of the school.

"Are your friends not joining us today?" I asked.

"I thought we could walk home alone today. If that's okay"

"Sure. So how was..." I started but was cut off by shouting and commotion.

We turned around and seen a massive group of people gathered around something. Curiosity got the better of me as I let go of JB's hand and went over to investigate.

"Taylor. Don't" JB shouted but I didn't listen.

I barged through the crowd and seen someone punching James in the face. I got protective and quickly ran in to the fight and punched the boy in the face. He staggered back and anger filled his eyes.

"You bitch" he said before getting a piece of glass from the ground and raising in to the air. "You'll pay for that"

He brought the glass down ready to strike me but it was stopped by JB's hand. The glass striked him cause a line of blood to appear on his hand. It didn't hold him back, JB kicked the guy in the chest sending him flying and knocking him out. James stood up and took my hand, I squeezed it reassuringly as I went over to see JB.

"Are you okay? You should get your hand seen to before it..." I said as I turned his hand around ready to dace his wound but was met with nothing. His hand uninjured with no blood. "But it got cut. I saw it"

"No. My hand didn't get cut, you must of seen his hand not mine" JB said but didn't sound sure.

"No I seen it. The glass struck your hand and it started bleeding

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