Chapter 8

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We spent the entire weekend together. He stayed at my house and showed me everything like his speed and that's how he could get to my house so fast. He told me about how BamBam could see the future and that's why he said he knew it would be me. Everything was starting to make sense. Although there was slight fear when I was around him it didn't change my feelings for him.

His arms were wrapped around me as he pulled me closer to him. I had so many questions about everything.

"When did you get turned?" I asked him.

"1819 I think. I don't really remember much about it" he said.

"What about the others?"

"Same time as me. We all lived together and got turned together"

"Wow. Do you remember what it felt like to be turned?"

"Not really. It wasn't painful but that's all I remember" he said sadly.

"Who turned you?" I asked.

"It was a girl who I thought was in love with me but she played me. She wanted to turn me and leave me" he said.

A single tear fell down his cheek, I raised my hand and wiped away his tear. This boy had been hurt.

"I won't hurt you like that JB. I promise you that" I said kissing his cheek.

"Thank you Taylor. I try not to think about her, she's nothing to me" he said with anger filling his voice.

"Forget her"

"I can't" he said.

"Let me help" I said as I started kissing him.

Our gentle kissing escalated in to a heated make out session. I was on top of him with hands in his hair but just as I thought it was going somewhere he stopped us.

"We can't" he said.


"It's too soon. You've just found out I'm a monster" he said to me.

"No. You're not a monster, you're my JB. A boy who has been fucked over by a woman who likes to play games. She was the monster not you" I said reassuringly to him.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. All he needed was someone to prove to him that he wasn't a monster. I had to be that person.

"But..." he started but I stopped him by putting my index finger on his lips.

"No buts. I could of ran when you told who you were but I didn't because I am falling for you and no matter what you are, I will always be here" I said.

"You're falling for me?" He asked.

I nodded. It wasn't a lie, I fell for him a long time ago but I was falling harder and harder for him.

"Taylor I feel the same. I fell for you the minute you came in to that English class and it hasn't changed in anyway" he said to me. "It's completely against everything that I am with you but I don't care"

"Were the guys against it?" I asked.

"No. After BamBam's vision then they knew that it was meant to be" he said.

"So do all of you's have gifts or abilities?" I asked.

"Well some of us do. I can read minds, BamBam has visions of the future, Jackson can control people but he doesn't do it often and Junior can send an electric shock over his body that will shock anyone that touches him"

"Woah. So Jackson doesn't use his?"

"No, he doesn't like it and will only do it under special circumstances. I've only ever seen him do it once"

"So not every vampire has an ability or gift"

JB shook his head. I was seeing these guys in a whole new light. Some of them could harm anyone without thinking but something that JB kept reminding me that they didn't want to hurt people. The ones who did have gifts that could harm people never used their gifts unless they have to.

"And you read minds?" I asked.

"Yeah but yours is different. I can only read sometimes but not all the time which is infuriating" he said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because I want to know what you're thinking. It's annoying when I can see you thinking about something and I don't know what that is"

I giggled. JB looked at me suprised at my reaction to his answer.

"What you laughing at?" JB asked.

"You. At least you can read people's minds, how do you think I feel when I can't know what you're think at all?" I answered.


"You said it's only sometimes that you can read my mind, well I can't read yours at all so stop whining" I said.

This time JB laughed. He knew I was right and I knew I was right. It sucked not knowing what he was thinking, even now it's crap.

"Is that all the questions you have for me?" JB asked.

"I have one more but you don't have to answer it if you don't want to"

"Ask away" he said.

"What was the girls name?" I asked.

I could see the pain in his face and I thought that maybe my curiosity went too far.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to JB. I'm sorry" I said quickly.

"No no its okay. Her name was Genevieve Williams and she was way stronger than me. I don't even know when she got turned but I know that it was way back. She might be dead, I don't know since I have seen her in many years"

"Since she turned you" I said.

He nodded. Genevieve. It was such an old name for an old girl but if she was still alive then she would probably not look a day over twenty.

"That's all my questions for now" I said.

"For now?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I find all of this fascinating"

He smiled at me. His smile lit up the room like a light and it was contagious. This boy was changing everything I had ever known and yet there was soemthing exciting about it. I yawned and looked at my clock, three am.

"Sleep" JB said laying me down beside him and wrapping me in his arms.

I nodded and fell in to a deep sleep.

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