Twelve - ♢Shopping Spree♢

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"Oppa! Igeon eottae? (How about this?)"

I wore a white summer dress with a brown belt on the waist together with a matching brown sling bag and shades.

I wore a white summer dress with a brown belt on the waist together with a matching brown sling bag and shades

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I twirled in my place in front of BTS oppa and waited for their response.

Oppa smiled at me and gave me a two thumbs up. I giggled and turned towards the other oppas.

They all smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Jimin oppa took out his phone and positioned it towards me.

"Smile Jina."

I did a cute peace sign with a smile and Jimin oppa took a photo.

Then later Yoori came out.

She wore a dress with a blue jean top and white floral skirt with a big brown belt attached on her waist.

She wore a dress with a blue jean top and white floral skirt with a big brown belt attached on her waist

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I smiled and clapped at her while she twirled around for me to see her in the dress.

"Suga oppa, Igeon yeppun? (Is this nice?)"

I turned towards Suga and he stared at her from head to toe.

He finally smiled and nodded his head. Yoori clapped and turned towards me, also examining what I was wearing.

"It's pretty."

"Your's too."

We both high fived each other for a sense of accomplishment.

"Ja~ Jina! Yoori! Turn here."

We turned towards Jhope oppa who was holding a polaroid camera. Yoori and I held hands and did a cute pose while Jhope oppa took the picture.

We giggled and went back inside the dressing room to change back to our clothes.

We took those dresses and went towards the cashier. We were about to take out our credit card when Jungkook and Suga oppa stopped us.

We stared at them confusingly and they took out their card from their wallet and paid for us.

"Today is on us. Buy anything you want, we'll pay."

"Jinjja oppa?!?! (Really oppa?!?!)"

He nodded and I immediately hugged him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my body.

I miss my oppa's hug, they are so warm. The only one I usually get from my family.

"Kaja~ let's go buy some more."

I giggled and linked my arms with him. I dragged him to many different stores leaving with at least one thing to buy, but oppa doesn't mind.

Yoori did the same with her oppa while the BTS oppa just tagged along and search around stuff which interests them.

"Jina-ah, yeogiwa (come here)"

Jimin oppa called me and showed me two hats. One is black and one is white with a baymax picture on the side.

"Oh, it's nice oppa."

"Right? Want to get these? I'll take the black one while you take the white one."

I smiled and nodded towards him.

We went to the cashier and being the gentlemen he is, he paid for both.

The cashier lady gave us the bag with our hats and smiled at us.

"Such a cute couple hat for a cute couple."

I blushed at her statement and immediately denied.

"Ani, we're not a couple."


I turned towards Jimin oppa shocked while he just smiled at me.

The cashier lady smiled and bowed.

"I hope you two the best. Thank you for shopping here."

We bowed back at her and left the shop. Jungkook oppa texted me that they were in the Korean BBQ restaurant. So we walked there.


The sizzing sound of the meat made my mouth watery and I looked at Jungkookie oppa frying the meat.

I haven't eaten anything the whole time I was in the mall. The last time I ate was my home cooked meal at lunch. I was too busy buying the cute clothes.

[A/N: Pics of the clothes they bought at media.]

Oppa ordered the meat serving for 9 people. I didn't even have to do anything because my plate was always full by either Kookie or Jimin oppa.

We enjoyed the dinner and had fun talking about many things. I learned a lot about BTS oppa, even the things they never said on variety shows.

Seems like BangtanVelvet is a go! V oppa and Irene unnie are dating but they are kept hidden from the press. I was so happy for them.

I am a huge BangtanVelvet shipper. I ship my own oppa with Yeri. She is just so cute.

"Oppa! Why don't you date Yeri unnie? Hmm?? You two would look so cute. The two maknaes of the group. I am a big Jungri shipper."

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head at my silliness.

"I like Yeri. She's cute and we've been close ever since she debuted. I have been gaining courage to confess to her but I'm afraid that she won't feel the same."

I held oppa hands and smiled at him.

"Oppa, you'll never know before you do it. Why wouldn't she like you? You're handsome, smart and funny. Any girl would be insane not to like my oppa."

I told him sincerely and he gave me a small smile and held my hand squeezing it a bit.

I continued eating while I heard familiar voices entered. I looked towards the entrance and saw someone I had never expected to meet.

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