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A sigh escaped as a keychain sailed through the air and landed perfectly upon the hook that was their usual spot nowadays. "Couldn't do that again if I tried." The door was nudged closed and both locks were locked and the deadbolt bolted. "Time for some World of Warcraft!" But a rumbling stomach said otherwise. "After dinner of course." A hand reached over to the fridge and the light that turned on revealed a dark haired young woman who sighed as she reached in and pulled out a Mountain Dew code red and a cold slice of leftover pizza from the night before. "Nom." She bit into the pizza and smiled as she pulled out another slice and placed both onto a plate and warmed them up in the microwave.

She could almost swear the game was calling to her as she waited and shrugged as she walked over and turned on her computer and monitor, just as it finished turning on she pulled up the game and felt giddier then a five year old in an elvator after eating her candy from the candy store. As she logged in the microwave summonded her to fetch her dinner and she was quick to do so. When she returned she sat down and checked her characters. "Hmn which one? Let's go!" She clicked on her wargon druid and giggled as she placed on her headphones and pulled the mic down. "Time to Play..."

Around six hours later the young woman sighed and looked at the clock. "No way! It's that late already?!" She gained a disappointed look, told her guild members goodnight and logged off. She took her plate which still had her forgotten pizza on it and her mountain dew and walked outside to sit on her porch. As she ate something bright caught her attention and she went to the railing to gain a closer look. "Oh shit!" She was quick to close her eyes and make a wish. When her eyes opened to reveal the sapphire blue they were, the shooting star vanished. "I can only hope."

She sat down and finished her dinner and went inside where she placed the plate into the sink. She was quick to do several things, and finally prepared for bed, she lay down in the soft and cushy sheets. Her eyes closed and soon her breathing slowed to an even pace signalling that she was in REM sleep.


"Malfurion!" The honeysweet voice captured the young druid's attention as well as his brother's as a young woman raced up to them.

"Tyrande?" Malfurion asked as she came.up to the two males.

"What has you so worked up?" His brother asked as both worried about the young priestess.

"A group of Highbourne are nearby trying to open a portal to a supposed other world and trying to summon someone."

"Its probably a rumor, Tyrande."

"No Illidan, it true I just saw it with my own eyes."

Illidan was about to speak when Malfurion looked to him. "It couldn't hurt to look into it."

"I...alright lets give it a look." Illidan relented as they left the safety of the Night Elf city. When they reached the area they were surprised to see that a portal was open and a voice called out.


The three watched and listened as the chanting grew in tempo and watched as the portal became stable.

"Thats not good..."


The young woman woke with a start. "The hell?" She asked as she stood up and walked towards her door which had an odd glow shinning underneath. "That's interesting." She opened the door and gasped as it revealed a portal. "Whoa." She knew she should probably ignore it but curiousity gained the better and a simple touch cause pain to shoot through her as it pulled her in and took her from her room.


Malfurion, Tyrande and Illidan watched as someone came tumbling out of the portal before the Highbourne and surprise took them all. "This is her?" Asked one of the Highborne summoners.

"This is Ciera. She matches every discription the queen gave of the powerful female Demigod who existed in another realm."

"How is she a Demigod?"

"Do you not feel the raw arcane power coming from her. She could replenish the power of the Well for years to come. With our Queen training her in the art of sorcery, this child could potentional turn the tide against the rebellious Night Elves and once she gains her ability to shift into another form she will be our most unstoppable creature."

"You mean something like a Druid?"

"Close but much more powerful and with only one form."

"When will she gain that other form?"

"Depends on how old she is now."

"Looks at least into her second decade of life. So she is still quiet young."

"Then it can happen at any time. We need to train her and soon. Don't leave your weapon next to her idiot, if she awakens before we get back she could kill us."

"To late!" The woman was up and several Highbourne littered the ground as nothing but lifeless corpses. She slaughtered the rest with ease but her energy was spent. Illidan was first to rush out and catch her as she slipped back into darkness.

"Let's get out of here!" He said as he zipped past his brother and Tyrande. They didn't need to be told twice as they slipped away from that area.

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