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Illidan held Ciera's hand as they walked through the forest. Malfurion and Tyrande were close behind as they spoke of random things; but upon reaching Sumaar, Ciera paused in her tracks. Illidan noticed her hesitation as well as the other two, "Ciera?"

"Illidan, I am not from here. How will everyone react to me?"

Illidan became thoughtful then as Tyrande vanished and quickly returned. "Put this on and keep the hood up! Keep it up until we can reach the boys' home." Tyrande handed over a cloak and Ciera did as told. She was still nervous and Illidan scooped her up.

"I will carry you, just pretend to sleep and if we stop I will tell them its an emergency that I get home with you."

"Okay." Ciera yawned after he spoke that.

"Or you can sleep and I will wake you upon reaching the house." He whispered to her as they began traveling into the city. She was quick to fall asleep and inwardly he was enjoying it though his face and eyes revealed nothing. Anyone who was in their way moved quickly as he passed with Malfurion in tow; Tyrande had split from the group to get a few things to make it seem like she was needed and in a way she was as Ciera had tripped once in the forest and had done something to her ankle that required a touch of healing.

Illidan looked down to see Ciera still asleep and smiled as he reached his home. Malfurion ushered him in and Illidan could now fully smile as he took Ciera up to his room. Laying her down gently, he couldn't take his eyes away from her face. "She is like an angel. Her beauty is otherworldly and rivaled by only Tyrande." Illidan spoke softly as Malfurion walked in.

"Don't let either of the women hear you say that. I really don't feel like trying to piece you back together." Malfurion smiled as Illidan looked to him.

"It is true though." Illidan turned back to Ciera. "Not even the queen holds such beauty that Ciera can claim. Ciera just has to be a Demigoddess, but who was the god or goddess?"

"Her father." Tyrande walked in. "His name is Fal'ros. I had asked Cenarius if it was possible that Ciera could be a demigoddess and he told me that it was. Fal'ros was a silvery wolf boardering on white, but was silver nevertheless. Her markings can only been seen by demigods, gods or those who believe that she is decended from a god." Tyrande was quick to heal Ciera's hurting ankle and sighed. "Still asleep?"

"She was running for a long time." Illidan sighed as he sat upon his bed. He brushed her hair out of her face, his eyes never leaving her as Malfurion and Tyrande slipped out. I wonder what a mate for her would be called? His thoughts traveled as he pulled her close for them to sleep cuddled as the day began to rise but his dream felt welcoming and he swore it called to him.


Ciera stood admist a grand forest, the trees ten times the size of the trees of what she was now familier with. The trees of the Night Elves were tall but these reached almost impossible heights. She felt at ease as she walked, not as a human but as a lupin creature. Her ears moved forward and back, forward and back as she listened to the sounds of the whispering trees, birds, cats and other animals; her mate, Illidan, walked beside her, managing to somehow keep up. Since the Burning Legions failed invasion, she and he had taken the roles of gaurdians of this forest. Cenarius had his area and the other demigods their areas, but this place was special to her. Ciera looked to Illidan for the briefest of moments and huffed as they walked.

Illidan had become a powerful Archdruid like his twin, but had opted to be with and go where ever his beloved Demigoddess went. In this forest home, he was welcomed openly by the creatures, flora and fauna. Ciera soon stopped and he followed suit, after all he was her consort and beloved; just as he looked to her she looked to him. Her form changed from lupin to human and she spoke to him. "My love, your brother and the others will soon be here."

"I am aware, the forest is buzzing with wonder at who they could be. It will be good to see them after such a long time away. We should return to Calridoria. Our people await our return."

"Yes agreed." As they turned back to the forest city that the plants themselves had made for the new Night Elf sub-race that called themselves: Night Forest Elves. They were former children and orphans of the Night Elf race from when the battle called the Sundering took place. Many had opted to follow Ciera and Illidan into this odd forest and had discovered that they felt at peace here rather then in the Night Elf cities and Night Elf socitey and had remained, learning to become one with the forest; Some had become druids, learning all they could from Illidan; some had become warriors; some had become hunters, taking only what was needed and returning what wasn't to the earth with prayers for the forests blessing; and very few had become priests and priestesses while the rest had chosen to be crafts-men and -women.

As they neared Illidan looked to Ciera, her silver-blue markings were visible to him but still seemed to shimmer in and out of existance. "Illidan?" Ciera looked to him, "Why do you stare at me?"

"Forgive me, my heart." Illidan spoke, "I was noting your beauty matched only by that of our forest. Your radiance shines so brightly that I almost mistook you for a flower." He smiled as he wrapped an arm around her. His arms had feathers as black as the darkest cloudy night which matched his raven colored hair; his 'horns' were almost like that of his brother Malfurion only Illidan's were a pearly Ivory; his 'tattoos' were a deep rich earthy brown compared to his brother's blue ones; but he still shared many traits of druidism with his twin to include the way they had matured during the war. Both could shapeshift but Illidan used his very sparingly as it was not needed much in this peaceful place; unlike Malfurion, however, Illidan did use a lupin form that all had called a 'wolf' form. It was more like an orc's battle warg with the bottom fangs being more pronounced then the top, but it was still a lupin form. He used that form when Ciera was in the mood to mate and each time he would 'show off' to show her that he was still the best mate for her, though she had told him time and time again it was unneeded, but he still did it. "I am concerned though."

"Speak, for I will not judge."

"The forest grows worried that my brother and Cenarius will bring those that will seek to harm all of us."

"I see the concern but there is no need to worry, Cenarius swore to me that he would only bring Malfurion, Tyrande and a very select trusted few into our beloved home. Two of those being dragons of the green dragonflight and the youngest consort of the Red Dragon queen. Tell me have you walked the Emerald Dream recently?"

"I have and She of the Dream has personally asked me how you have been."


Illidan smiled, "I told her that you were truly a wonderful leader, kind of spirit and heart. That our mating has not yet yielded results but we hope that it will soon. She is eager for at least one great-grandchild from us." He laughed as she smiled.

"How does she fair in return?"

"Since her discovery of you living she has been in a much kinder and gentiler mood. She loves you dearly and deeply and misses you greatly but knows that you are needed here." Illidan frowned as they re-entered their 'city' and as they did his dream ended.


Ciera yawned as her eyes opened slowly. She felt an arm around her and turned her gaze to see Illidan dead asleep to the world. Her heart fluttered in her chest and she closed her eyes again. When she next opened them Illidan was returning to the room with a smile upon his face. "Illidan..." She rubbed her eyes as he sat next to her. Hearing his name come from her mouth surprised her but at this time she cared little.

"It is alright. I am here to bring you down for breakfast." He spoke softly as he helped her stand. "Tyrande doesn't want you walking by yourself until she can be sure you are healed properly." He aided her down the steps and both were greeted by Malfurion, who carried grave news. News that would soon spiral things out of Ciera's control.

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