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Ciera walked through the forest as she was feeling much, much better and her strength was returning. Cenarius had granted her permission to explore away from the Grove but warned her to not stray to far, as not all of her strength had returned and she still needed to be tended to as some of her wounds had not fully healed. She smiled as fireflies flew around her lazily, their glowing behinds shinning in her blue eyes. Hands closed around her eyes and she grinned as laughter was heard. "Illidan!" she giggled as she turned to see her favorite Night Elf smiling down at her. Malfurion and Tyrande had come with him, but both noticed that these two seemed happiest when in each other's company. Illidan had slowly, ever so slowly, fallen in love with Ciera and lost his feelings for Tyrande who had chosen Malfurion. When both had told their two friends, instead of being met with Illidan's moodiness they had been met with his approval and shortly after he admitted that he had feelings for Ciera now. Ciera had been surprised and when asked why, she told them she too had feelings for Illidan. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Cenarius allowed Illidan and I to rest for the night and urged us to come find you." Malfurion spoke as they sat. Thanks to Ciera, Illidan had started noticing everything his brother had and now he was playing catch up. That would not last very long as coming events would ruin all that she was working towards with Illidan. She knew the events of the War of the Ancients would happen and that she could not stop them from happening and as the dawn broke she sought out Cenarius who was not far from the area she was in.

"Cenarius? May I speak with you?"

The great demigod turned to her and saw that something was troubling her. "What is bothering you?" He asked as she explained what all she knew was coming. "You are not fully from here so it understandable you would know what is coming. Are you sure that you wish to leave? Illidan's heart will be broken."

"As will mine." Ciera closed her eyes, "but I cannot stop what is coming and nor should I try to. I deeply care for Illidan but what must happen, will happen. I have no choice but to leave even if it breaks his heart and mine." Ciera felt a tear slid down her cheek and heard Cenarius sigh.

"Cry as you need," he spoke softly. "I will tell him that your life was in danger, and it is, and so you had to leave us and him. Is their anything you wish for me to tell him?"

"Only that I love him dearly and will deeply miss him." She spoke as he nodded.

He soon led her away from that area and stopped just before the exit to the forest. He watched as she continued on, stopping to look back once and then walked out of the forest to never return. He returned to the Grove and awaited his students. Once the lesson was over he called out to Illidan; as he explained why Ciera was no longer there, he could see the heartbreak on the young elf's face.

"I understand." Illidan spoke but that day he cried himself to sleep as his brother could only watch.


Ciera felt the tears streaming down her face as she sat at the entrance to a cave that had been carved into a cliff from the weather. The pain of heartbreak echoed throughout her body as she cried, her not so subtle sobbing let anyone around know that she was hurting.

Why do you cry child? A voice asked as Ciera looked up and scanned the area, fear and surprise clear on her face.

"Who...who said that?"

Do not fear me young one, I mean you no harm. I heard you crying and came to see what bothers you so. A shadow figure came closer to her but did not step out of the darkness that made up most of the cave. Its eyes glowed with an almost star like blue as she rubbed her tears away.

"It is the one I love. My life is in danger and I had to leave, that and I know much about the coming future that I shouldn't."

I see. Go back to him young one. Change the course of his future and remain at his side, blued eyed child. Tell me who he is.

"Illidan Stormrage, twin brother to Malfurion Stormrage, and the only Night Elf male that I know of with amber colored eyes."

I see. Go to him, but run swiftly. Only you can change his future. The creature watched as Ciera stood.

"I will but my life is still-"

Not anymore, the danger has passed. Swiftly now, leave this place and go to your mate.

Ciera nodded and took off as the creature watched. She raced towards the grove hoping against hope itself that she would reach Illidan before his lesson this coming night was over.


Cenarius spoke with the trio of Night Elves when a sparrow landed nearby. All three waited as he nodded and the sparrow flew away before the lesson continued. It felt drawn out to Illidan but Cenarius had his reasons. "Illidan would you mind getting me an apple from the forest? Your next lesson requires something from it and I believe it is your turn to get something." Cenarius spoke with a smile as Illidan sighed.

"I don't see the point in it but I will." He turned towards the forest and disappeared into the shadowy depths. As he searched for a single apple he heard running and hid in a nearby bush.

"Oh wow!" A breathless and highly familier voice spoke as Illidan peeked out from his cover. "I shouldn't have skipped out on those running exercizes!" When Illidan saw who was speaking he almost yelped with joy.

"CIERA!" He cried as he stood from his hiding spot and she turned to him and they were quick to embrace. "I thought your life was in danger! Why did you come back?!"

"For you, my love! Something told me to come back to you and I followed it." she cried as he held her close.

"Ciera?!" Malfurion's confused and surprised voice cut through their moment as he, Tyrande and Cenarius joined the two.

"Yes Malfurion, I am here." Ciera turned to the three newcomers as Illidan kept an arm wrapped around her shoulders. "I felt the need to come back and I returned."

"The danger has passed so it is understandable." Cenarius nodded. "It is good to see you again Ciera."

"As it is you, Cenarius." Ciera smiled as Illidan squeezed her gently.

"Come home with us?" Illidan asked as she nodded hesitantly. "Do not worry I am not letting you go anywhere without me. Nor will I allow anyone to take you from me." Illidan calmed her fear and her eyes shone brightly as he scooped her up with a kiss to her lips.

"Get a room!" Malfurion smiled as everyone laughed.

Cenarius soon dismissed the group which had a happy aura around it and smiled. Fal'ros, you really did guide her back didn't you?

I did... The voice took him by surprise as the group vanished from his sight.

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