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**†Song by Derek and Brandon Fiechter. Please go to their channel for more wonderful music if you wish to hear more†**

Ciera opened her eyes slowly. Pain echoed through her body and she felt as if she was on fire, "Easy child. Going through a portal is not easy for first-timers. Especially for one so young as yourself." A masculine​ voice spoke as she closed her eyes as the bright sun blinded her, but soon shade covered her and she reopened them. "Blue eyes that sparkle like the water? Only one other had those eyes but he is long gone." She felt the warmth move and felt someone aid her in sitting up. When she looked around the one who was speaking to her was nowhere to be seen.

"Where am I?"

"The other half of your heritages homeland. What is your name?"

"Ciera. I was given that name upon birth." Her mind was still very much muddled and that was the only response she could think of.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

"Where are you?" She asked but she felt sleep calling again.

"Do not worry, sleep and you will see me upon waking." She couldn't help but obey his words as the creature stepped out of the forest. He had been gathering some herbs and had been in the shadows. "You did good by bringing her here Illidan Stormrage. She will be cared for that I promise."

"I trust you Cenarius. But what did you mean by her eyes being blue?"

"Go get your brother and Tyrande. All of you should know so you can be prepared for when her power awakens." Illidan stepped forward and nodded as he raced away to fetch Malfurion and Tyrande. Cenarius watched him vanish and looked to the woman. As he walked closer his four hooves made no noise upon the ground and he lay down near her to tend to her bruises. Being gentle he noted things that none other had and smiled. These "tattoos" she had marking her arms and face had just appeared and marked her as a demigoddess. So he did continue his bloodline, but did she inherit a form close to his? He looked closer and nodded upon seeing the mark of the blood. She did and it is only a matter of time before she shifts it seems. They did one thing right by calling her to this world, she belongs here in her sire's world. He continued to gently tend to her as the day waned into night. Soon fireflies lit up the area around them but he could only smile as she stirred. He stood and moved away to collect more herbs as she finally yawned and awoke. "Your awake." He spoke as she blinked several times attempting to drive away sleep. He moved from the shadows and noticed that her blue gaze landed on him but she did not shy away, not even as he returned to laying next to her to continue tending her wounds. She looked around and he sensed that she had many questions.

For now she remained quiet, looking around and wondering where she was at this moment. She did not speak even when he asked her a question but she turned to him and confusion showed in her eyes as he stood to his full height. "Can you stand?"

"I can try." She spoke quietly. With his aid she managed to stand up but when he tried to see if she could walk her legs gave out from under her.

Cenarius caught her and sighed. "It looks as if you wont be leaving the area anytime soon. Do not worry no harm will come to you here."

"I...I trust you." Ciera looked around as he helped her sit back down.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Cenarius, and if you do not remember you gave me your name." Cenarius waved over a Dryad who came bounding over, then left after being asked to get Ciera something to eat. Before Ciera could protest he made a valid point. "You need to regain your strength."

"Very well." Ciera nodded. The peacefulness of this place calmed her normally wanting to be wandering soul and she liked that.

"You seem at peace." Cenarius noted as she looked to him.

"For the first time since I can remember, I don't feel the need to wander from place to place." Ciera closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment of peace. The birds sang their songs as the breeze rustled through the trees, she could even hear a nearby creek with its rushing water. She looked to Cenarius and now fully noted what he looked like: his upper body was powerfully built; one of his hands was more like sharp twigs made into fingers while both hands had green coloration; his horns had sharp points; his lower body was like that of a powerfully built stag with hooves that could crush any who got underfoot; it was a handsome dark almost chocolate brown while the hooves were black; his hair was a mixture of dark green and light green with leaves growing within it. He was all around a very handsome creature and it took her by slight surprise.

"Do you like what you see?" He smiled as she blushed and looked away quickly.

"Forgive me, I cannot say I have ever seen anyone like you before and I apologize for staring." Ciera blushed deeper.

"It is fine child," He told her as he lay next to her. "I must also apologize. I was also staring at you and I am surprised someone as beautiful as you exists." He had been studying her and was truly surprised at her unnatural beauty. Her almost black hair was pulled back into a ponytail; her skin was as white as the snow; her eyes seemed to almost be made of midnight sapphires and her markings showed with an almost misty blue color as they shimmered in and out of existence. Around her arms the marks were almost vine like while upon her cheeks and forehead she had a paw surrounded by the vines that lead to two howling 'tribal' wolves on each cheek; her hair, now that he could see it better, was actually black with some silver hairs here and there to give it the appearance of being almost black. He knew that an outfit was needed to show the rest of the marks but remained quiet on that matter as they were only visible to him and any others who would believe in her.

"There is no harm done, you are forgiven ancient one." He was by far much older then her and deserved the respect she showed him.

"Please call me Cenarius." His voice held great power and yet wisdom at the same time.

"If you wish, Cenarius." Ciera responded with a nod. Already for reasons unknown to her he seemed to be almost brother-like and she would listen to him as long as he was around.

For Cenarius, Ciera was as a little sister and in need of protecting and training. In his heart he took her as a sister and wondered how she felt about him. He watched as she yawned and smiled warmly, "Crossing the portal has taken much from you. Sleep and when my Dryad returns I will awaken you to eat." He spoke softly as she nodded and laid down to rest. Fal'ros* your daughter is beautiful and I will protect her as if she were my own sister. I swear this.


Fal'ros: pronounced Fal-roose.

Cenarius: pictured, Canon character from the World of Warcraft game along with Malfurion, Tyrande, and Illidan. He is Malfurion's teacher in the Druidic ways.

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