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Ciera opened her eyes and sat up to see that she was once more alone in the field. Wait, something seems off. Where am I? She stood and as she focused on studying where she was a creature as black as the darkest night sky stepped forward from the shadows. She heard the crunch of a twig and spun around to face it. Its eyes glowed as red as embers from a fire, its fangs were bared and shone brightly in the light as dark smoke rolled off of it obscuring its body which took on the form of a wolf from the world she was used to living in. A shadow creature?! Ciera's mind scrambled for a thought or way to escape this dark creature but she knew what it signaled. Seeing such a beast as your favorite animal meant death; whose death it would be, only time could tell. But if she could defeat it or escape it, then the death would be a long time coming. She knew she could not outrun it but nor could she fight it off.

She waited for something to happen as the creature drew nearer to her, its snarls resounding over and over as it lifted its head higher then hers when it did not attack she looked to it and saw it turning away and vanish into the shadows once more. What in the? What could cause it to turn and leave? As her mind scrambled for an answer, Cenarius appeared before her.

"Are you alright?"

"I..." Ciera looked in the direction of the creature once more. "...Yes I am fine." She was almost baffled by what had just transpired but a hand on her shoulder caused her to glance at Cenarius.

"Come, it is not safe here in this area," he spoke with a hint of protectiveness and worry." He turned and she was quick to follow though a look back revealed the eyes of the shadowy beast once more.

What is going on...


Cenarius was the first to open his eyes and he looked to Ciera who slumbered peacefully now. His instincts had screamed at him that something had disturbed her dreams and he had been right. He had found a way into her dream and had rushed to her, only to see her face to face with a shadowy creature. Only through moving closer did the beast see him and race to get away, he had touched her in the dream and had led her to a safer area in her dreams, could he now say that he felt she was out of danger; but the image of the creature would not leave his mind in peace. He had to know what that thing was and why it was after Ciera. He shook his head and sighed as the Dryad from before came back with fruits, he gently shook Ciera awake and as she sat up she yawned.

"Here, eat these and regain your strength." He spoke as the fruit was handed over.

Ciera nodded and thanked the Dryad as the Dryad smiled and bounded away. Cenarius told her what the fruits were and how best to eat them and was speaking of all manner of edible fruits when his chosen three came walking up, two quietly and the last with some difficulty. Upon seeing Cenarius lying down and Ciera fully awake did they each pause in their tracks. Cenarius greeted them and explained who Ciera was.

"A pleasure to meet all of you." Ciera spoke politely as each introduced themselves to the woman.

Cenarius stood as the three joined Ciera and began the lesson for the three Night Elves present. Ciera listened in as they spoke calmly, but was mostly in and out as she struggled to remain awake. Eventually the three prepared to leave and Cenarius excused himself, leaving Ciera alone in her thoughts.

Illidan stopped just before leaving and looked towards Ciera; he tried to summon the courage to speak with her but found that none would come his way and so like the others he left. He stopped to glimpse her once more and saw tears slowly sliding down her cheeks. "Brother are you coming?" Malfurion's voice cut through his thoughts and he looked towards Malfurion and Tyrande.

"Go on without me. I...I wish to speak with Ciera for a moment alone." Illidan turned and walked back towards Ciera as Malfurion and Tyrande looked on.

"He wishes to speak with her?" Malfurion looked surprised as Tyrande turned to him.

"Furion, Ciera is alone. She has no friends, and no one to claim her as family. Let Illidan speak with her and become friends with her, and maybe we can do the same one night," Tyrande found herself saying. "Let us return home for now and leave them be. Illidan will return when he is ready." With that Malfurion and Tyrande left.


"Excuse me?" Illidan asked as Ciera looked up to him. "I could not help but notice that you were crying. Is something the matter?" He asked kindly as she looked down.

"I..." Ciera started but she felt the tears start over again. Illidan sat next to her and took her left hand into his hands and she turned to him. He noticed that her tears left little trails upon her face, and worried for her. He loved Tyrande but he could not stand to see a woman cry, even if she was a demi-goddess.

"You feel alone don't you?"

"I have none to truly call my family, my father disappeared when I was a babe and my mother passed away when I was a teenager. I have no one to claim as a mate and I have no friends her-" She trailed off as Illidan placed a hand upon her cheek and wiped away some tears that had escaped without her realizing it.

"You have a friend now."

"Illidan..." She didn't know what to say as he smiled. He pulled her into a hug and she, for once in her life, felt safe and allowed him to hold her. Unknown to either of them, Cenarius watched with a smile on his face. He knew that soon Illidan and Ciera would turn to one another and that eventually something more would blossom from their friendship, but how long it would last was up to them.

Illidan eventually ended up spending the entire day with her cuddled close as both slept; him holding Ciera in a protective embrace and Ciera with a hand upon his right arm. As night fell once more, Illidan was the first to awaken and smiled when he saw that Ciera looked even more beautiful asleep. He did not want to move but knew that he had to. As he slowly moved away Ciera stirred but sighed and went back to her dream; Illidan laughed lightly and stood. He touched her cheek gently then left her alone with the silent promise to return to check on her. He knew that sooner or later rumors would spread of "a secret lover" but he did not know that as they spent more time together the more confident she would grow.

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