Five (end of Part 1)

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Illidan looked to Ciera who stood watching him with worry in her eyes. He watched her vanish out of the city and felt his heart freeze as she did. He did not want her to leave but with Lord Ravencrest being how he was, he knew she would be safer with Cenarius. Illidan turned to Malfurion as Tyrande joined them, "Where is...?"

"Heading to the Grove. You know as well as we do that Ravencrest would seek to use her for his own games." Malfurion spoke quietly as she nodded. "She will be safe with Cenarius until Illidan can fetch her." Malfurion used that word with a heaviness. They could see that Illidan stared after Ciera with a heavy heart and a longing only mates knew. As they turned away Ravencrest appeared into the town.


Ciera walked for what felt like hours, but it was only minutes. When she arrived at the Grove of Cenarius, the great demigod greeted her. "Ciera, you come alone?"

"Someone named Ravencrest was going to the city. Under the cover of the cloak Tyrande gave me, I was able to sneak out but just barely." Ciera felt her ankle threating to give way and Cenarius noted it.

"Sit," he commanded as she took a seat upon the ground. A whimper escaped her as she managed to sit, and Cenarius walked towards her as she stretched out her leg.

She pulled away the pantleg that covered her ankle and winced as she noted the black-blue coloration starting to bloom. "It should have healed...why did it not?" Her question was more or less just a wonder but Cenarius answered anyway.

"You are used to more natural healing." He spoke spoke softly as he gently touched her ankle. He heard her whimper and knew that she was in pain worse then what she let on. "It is not a sprain, but it is surprising you managed to walk here with it being so broken." Cenarius observed as she closed her eyes. He gently tapped on it and though she yelped he could sense the bones mending, "Sleep." He commanded softly as she laid back. He watched her as her breathing slowed and became steady, her mended bones were in place and the bruising was gone. He vanished away without a word and left the forest to cradle her as she slept the pain away.

As she slept, Illidan walked into the area with his brother and he looked for her only to see that she was nestled in the grass. Leaves were under her head acting as a pillow while the grass acted as a blanket, keeping her warm upon this cool night. Illidan drew close to her as Malfurion had a small smile, "Illidan let her sleep." Cenarius' voice sounded as Illidan stopped to see the Demigod come near. "Come your lessons tonight will be sort but I do want to hear of your dreams from both of you."

Malfurion spoke of his nightmares once more, but Illidan told them of his odd dream. "It was a forest most unlike this one. The trees were almost as tall as a mountain, their leaves as wide if not larger then my palm while their trunks were as thick as twenty stone pillars combined. The animals too were larger but seemingly less dangerous to Ciera and I as if they accepted us as one of their own; I could hear their whispers of wonder at Ciera's beauty and questions as of how I came to be her mate. They murmered whispers of seasons past them and of the future. They even spoke of the ones they accepted that came to be known as Forest Elves, and I had seen that Ciera and I ruled over them while yet also remaining as guides."

"Hmn," Cenarius thought and then he smiled. "This forest you speak of, what color were the trees?"

Illidan closesld his eyes, "They were red with brown hues, some even seemed to be such a dark brown that they appeared black with blue."

"The Red Shadow forest." Cenarius became thoughtful. "Home to Fal'ros himself when he lived."

"Fal'ros?" Illidan asked as Malfurion spoke.

"Tyrande mentioned something about Fal'ros but she was very unsure of him."

"Yes Illidan, and she may only have a small part of his tale. Fal'ros was a great Silver wolf, he was guardian of the Red Shadow Forest and the Alpha Wolf God. He was decended from the great White Wolf and another, but his story is a tragic one." The memory was a harsh one as Cenarius told them the story.


Fal'ros looked out over the many Kingdoms with a heavy heart. Many of his brethren had children to take over if something happened to them but he was pupless. Though he longed for a mate, his duty was to his kingdom. "Alpha?" Spoke a familier voice.

"Kor'laon, tell me have you all succeeded?"

"Yes Alpha, but are you sure you want to do this? There is the possiblity you may never come back."

"Kor'laon I must. All of the others have children, and I know that I must have at least one who will take over for me should something happen." The silver furred Alpha wolf turned his massive head towards his second who was a dark rustic brown with tan as a secondary color. "Once my child has taken within the woman I chose as my mate I will return." Unlike the others, when the wolves spoke to each other their mouths opened and closed as they spoke.

"But Alpha, what will we do while you are gone? You know that many will fall back into the old ways and become nothing more then the savage beasts we started off as." Kor'laon spoke as his ears folded back.

"Do not worry I will return as soon as possible." And Fal'ros left to mate. Upon his return a storm had risen. Standing in his usual spot he felt the rain begin to pour as a strange and dark scent caught his attention. "That smell! What is that dark taint?"


"Upon returning to the wolves under him he discovered something that no one should ever discover." Cenarius sighed with a heavy heart. "His wolves had become corrupted beyond even his ability to save."


Ciera began stirring, but upon waking up she discovered her room around her and frowned. "It was just a dream?" She felt tears well up into her eyes and sighed as she looked to the clock. "I guess I'll get dressed and head to work."

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