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Ciera looked out the window of the building, chin in palm of her hand as she tried desperately to ignore her feelings. Today was turning shittier and shittier by the minute and as she turned back to the paper infront of her she felt tears well up. She grabbed her pencils and began drawing Illidan Stormrage. When she was finished she placed it in her folder and sighed, she stood and clocked out before she walked to her truck. She looked down at the steering wheel and felt the tears flow. When she reached her apartment complex she killed her truck and sat there for a few minutes. She got out, locked the doors and headed up the stairs to her apartment.

Ciera shook her head as she entered her apartment and locked the door behind her. Placing her head on the door and after standin there for an hour, she headed into the kitchen where another drawing showing her and Illidan, his left arm around her waist and his right hand forcing her chin to look up at him. "I miss you Illidan. I wish I could see you again at least one more time..." just as she placed her keys on the counter in the kitchen her phone played Angels and Demons by Aviators and she felt tears sting her eyes. He was my Demon and I, his angel. I wish I could feel his gentle caress again, being with Illidan felt we belong together. Her heart pulsed with the fire of the thought of Illidan's hand caressing her cheek. "Illidan..." Ciera whispered when suddenly she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

"Ciera, I am here." the familiar voice spoke as she turned to see Illidan Stormrage before her in her own apartment.

"" She asked as he motioned towards a portal that was in her living room.

"I felt your energy disappear from our home and did everything I could to find you. Even going so far as to trace your energy back to this world." He kissed her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Come home with me Ciera. Leave this place behind and help us defeat the Demons." She cuddled up to him while thinking for a moment and only then truly realized that he was actually with her.

"Illidan how are you here?" she asked with slight confusion in her voice.

"Another story for another day but I can tell you that I have come to realize that I need you more then ever, my love." He spoke with heavy shame as she touched his cheek now.

"Oh Illidan you silly man. Do not be ashamed. The knowledge you learned and now wield will aid you in the far flung future." She kissed him gently upon the lips and, much to his confused surprise, grabbed his hands in hers as she looked around the apartment for what could be the very last time. "I am coming home with you, for you and to aid with driving back the Burning Legion." Ciera closed her eyes but he scooped her up and kissed her tenderly. It was a stolen moment in time itself. When she opened her eyes he was walking towards the portal and with one last glance over his shoulder, Ciera watched her apartment disappear forever and felt something rise within her that signaled joy at going home to Azeroth. Now I only have the future ahead of me to deal with...


Tyrande and two others sat watching as Malfurion paced back and forth. "He should have been back by now! What is taking so long? The demons won't wait forever."

"Furion, Illidan has not seen Ciera for a long time. He has been pining for her for several months now, just finding her trace of energy in her original world was tasking for him. Let him enjoy a stolen moment with her." Tyrande smiled as a portal opened causing Malfurion to pause in his tracks as Illidan stepped out with Ciera in his arms. "Ciera!" The priestess smiled as she all but yelped when Illidan set the woman down.

"Tyrande," Ciera smiled as she turned to Malfurion then. "Malfurion. Its good to see you both again."

"As it is you Ciera." Malfurion smiled at seeing the young woman again.

"So, mind filling me in on what's been done so far and who your two friends are that are staring at me like I am some miracle."

"These are Krasus and Rhonin. Krasus, Rhonin, this is Illidan's mate Ciera, the demi-goddess of the wolves."

"It is an honor to meet you Demi-goddess Ciera." Krasus bowed as Ciera frowned. Rhonin was to much in shock to speak but Ciera touched Krasus's should and smiled gently.

"Never bow to me, Krasus. It's most unbecoming of one such as yourself." Ciera watched as he stood and looked around. "Where are we?"

Illidan spoke now, "We are in the home of Lord Ravencrest. I told him that I knew a demi-goddess but if I were to get her, her being you, I would have need of a room to fetch you from without interruption from his guards or his other mages." Illidan nuzzled her neck after pulling her close. For him her presence alone helped ease his warring emotions and feelings, that and she was more at peace when around him as they balanced each other out perfectly.

"Let me guess, he wants to meet me?" She asked as Tyrande nodded.

"But we told him you would be tired after entering through the portal and it would be best to wait until after you were rested to meet you."

"...and surprisingly he agreed with understanding about the whole portal-travel tiredness thing." Krasus spoke scratching an itch on his cheek.

"Alright, I hope I can get some type of better clothing though." Ciera looked down at her work clothes sheepishly. "This isn't exactly the best outfit to wear in this world."

Illidan smiled now, "I can arrange something more appropriate for you my love." He looked her over with his amber eyes and was amazed to sense the raw power that made up her coming magical form. He concentrated hard and finally saw her as she was and smiled as he figured out the perfect outfit to have given to her. "Let's get you freshened up shall we?"

"Lets. I will see all of you later." Ciera nodded as she took Illidan's arm and followed him to his room which she would share with him during her stay here.


Ciera snuggled into the chest of a shirtless Illidan and smiled. "What is the matter Illidan? I can sense your warring feelings."

"I thought you were asleep?"

"Hard to sleep when my beloved is in turmoil." she spoke calmly as she traced little swirls on his bared chest causing him to shiver.

"Keep that up and I will be unable to control myself." he heard her laughter and smiled as he chuckled, but the motion still continued as he told her what was on his mind. "I am at war with the feeling of letting you meet Lord Ravencrest. He is a demanding man and once he has something he won't let it go easily."

"He cannot keep me. I am the daughter of a wild god's son, who I guess was a wild god himself."

"I know but still. I have a bad feeling about this meeting and don't want you harmed." He spoke as she snuggled closer to him.

"I will not be harmed, I know that you would not allow harm to come to me and nor would Tyrande and Malfurion." she yawned as she rested her head on his shoulder and fell into a gentle sleep as Illidan kissed her head then he laid back and slept as well. When both awoke, Ciera was dressing for the meeting with Ravencrest and Illidan was dressed as usual but still the feeling would not leave him even as his heart stopped at seeing her in her outfit like he was. He will not keep my beloved for any reason. She is mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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