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Heyy Penn Pals!
I have some life updates for you.
Firstly, as you can see in the media, I GOT A NEW PUPPY! His name is King. Why King? Because usagi_no_baka 's dog is named Queen! Let the shipping begin... muahahahahah.

Anyway, he's a 2 month old yellow labrador. All he really does is bite my slippers and bark when we leave him XD But he's adorable and really fun.

 All he really does is bite my slippers and bark when we leave him XD But he's adorable and really fun

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Secondly, I just moved! Can't say Much about this topic but hey. That mostly why I haven't posted much lately, GOMENASAI, MINNA! Also, I'm really nervous about going to a new school... huh.

Well yeah, that's about it!
Penn Out ;$

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