Chapter 25

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Shinhyes POV:

It was beautiful. A majestic place filled with happiness and love. I looked around to find a deep green pasture with bright pink flowers surrounding me. The clouds were fluffy and white and the sky was a calming blue. The breeze was light and the sun shone on  me lightly. I found a mysterious man hiding behind a bouquet of roses. I walked towards him and it seemed like a familiar figure. When I touched the roses, the man disappeared, dropping the bouquet. Wait. Its impossible for someone to disappear like that. 

"Hello? Anyone?" I called out. 

No answer. 

I continued to call out until I found a mysterious door. I walked closer to it. 

"Shinhye, stay with me..."I heard faintly in the distance. 

"Who said that?!" I said nervously. 

"Shinhye...come back to me....just a little longer..."I heard again. 

Scared, I walked faster to the door. As I walked faster, the more the scenery started to change. 


I stopped and turned around. A car was destroyed in a car crash. I looked inside...Mom? Dad? MOM. DAD!! 

I ran towards the car in hopes of finding someone. I found my parents....dead. Tears swelled up. Why did you leave me!? Why cant you be here for me?!

"Shinhye yah...we are right here..."I heard a calming voice say behind me. 

I turned around to see my parents, happy with open arms. 

I ran to them and hugged them, happy to be in their embrace. 

"I missed you so much..."I said sobbing. 

"I missed you too.."They said. 

They let go and walked towards the door. I instinctively followed them. 

"Shinhye, its not time for you yet."My dad said. 

"Appa, what are you talking about? Lets go together!" I ran towards them. 

"Shinhye! Its not time for you. Please wait patiently! We will be together again when its time."My mom said. 

"What time are you talking about? I just want to be with you!"I yelled. 

"Shinhye, we love you. But right now, there are people in the world that need you. So gather your strength and try and wake up. Get up, get strong."My dad said. 

" I dead..."I said quietly. 

"Im afraid so dear."My mom said. 


"Its time for us to leave now. Get up, get strong. We will always be with you no matter what. Im proud of you. I love you."They said. 

They walked towards the door and opened it. A bright flash of light came beaming out of the door and they went inside. 

A tear rolled down my cheek as they closed the door behind them. 


"Good job everyone. Her pulse rate is now normal. Good work."I heard someone say. 

I opened my eyes to a blurry light flashing at me. 

"I think she is awake doctor!"I heard someone say. 

"Her lips are moving...what is she saying?"I heard the doctor say. 


I blacked out. 

Authors Note:

Whoo~ Shinhye is alive again. Sigh. These things are getting boring right? T^T Mianhae...I lost my creative sense when school started. Ill hopefully be posting two fanfictions this weekend~~! How was your week? My week suckedT^T School....psh. Aint nobody got time for that~;D I hope you continue to read, vote, comment, and follow~! THANKS FOR READING MELODIES~<3

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