Chapter 36

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Shinhye's POV:

Its been a month since Ilhoon has been in coma. Biho went to jail along with his "lovely" parents for 6 years. BTOB would stop their promotion until Ilhoon woke up. I waited every single day from the time the visiting hours started to the time it ended. The members, Subin, Minjin and more offered to watch after Ilhoon, but I refused. I was going to be there when Ilhoon woke up. Sometimes Subin would come to entertain me, but since she had work, it would only be on Wednesdays. I just sat there holding Ilhoon's hand waiting for him to wake up. It was around 2 pm and I was telling Ilhoon about how I missed him like always. 

"Hey there."

I turned around to find Sungjae standing there with his hair slightly messy. 

"Hey."I replied. 

I brought a seat over and he sat down next to me. 

"I wish Hyung would wake up soon."He said quietly. 

"Me too."I said quietly. 

"Shinhye."He said. 

"Yeah?"I asked. 

"You know I still have feelings for you right?"He asked. 

My heart stopped. I stood very still and the room was quiet except for the beeping of the heart moniter. I finally turned to him. 

"Sungjae.."I started. 

"I know you have feelings for Ilhoon hyung, I get it. I just dont understand why you dont give me a chance. Everytime you decide to, Ilhoon hyung always brings you back to him. Its just not fair."He said. 

"Sungjae. Im going to be honest. I did have feelings for you when I started dating Ilhoon, and thats part of the reason why I broke up with him in the first place. But there is still the lingering feeling between Ilhoon and me. I dont know what it is."I replied. 

"Would you then give me chance? A real one. Until Ilhoon hyung wakes up, you can make your decision then. If you still choose him, I will completely back off and be happy for you two."He said. 

I bit my lip. 

"Please Shinhye."He said. 

I stared at Ilhoon and squeezed his hand for a couple seconds. 

"What do you say Shinhye?"He asked. 

I breathed in, then breathed out. 

I let go of Ilhoon's warm hand and turned to Sungjae. 

"Alright."I said. 

"Really?!"He said. 

"Yes. Lets do it."I smiled. 

Authors Note:

OMGOMGOMG. SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! I completely lied about posting one every week-.- I had so much going on recently, test after test, ugh. Why cant I just go see BTOB and release my stress? Sigh, I hope you enjoy this one! Dont forget, the giveaway is still going on! I love you all<3

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