Chapter 28

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Ilhoon's POV:

I was sitting down sipping some coffee from the hospital vending machine.

Shinhye...lost her memory again. Maybe there is just bad luck in the air. Bad juju thats always doing something to keep us apart. This is the second time she has lost her memory. I cant help but feel anger. I know its not her fault, but cant she do something to keep herself from danger? She was never this weak girl in high school. She was a strong, independent girl...thats what i liked about her. Maybe I fell in love with the wrong person. 

"Young man."I heard someone say. 

I look up to find an old woman, probably in her early 60's. She sits down next to me. 

"I can feel your sad presense. Perhaps you lost a loved one?"She asked. 

"Not exactly...Im sorry. I have to get going now."I said. 

I get up to leave when she grabs my arm with ALOT of force. 

"That girl's life is too hectic for a young man like you. Her life will include many hardships and struggles, yet there will always be a different man to comfort her. At the true challange will she find her soul mate."She said dryly. 

How did she know? She doesnt know me. I stare at her in shock. 

"It was a pleasure talking to you young man. I hope you are her soul mate."She said smiling. 

She got up and walking slowly, her low heels hitting the floor making every sound distinct. 

That was weird. 

I went back to Shinhye's room to find the members still crowded around...looking worried. 

"Ilhoon ah! Are you ok?"Peniel hyung asked. 

"Im fine hyung...its just...."I sighed. 

"I dont mean to be a person that ruins your relationship, but I had a feeling she wasnt...committing."Minhyuk hyung said. 

"Hyung! She lost her memory, and on top of that, twice. Once she regains it, we will be back together. You will see.."I said. 

I stormed off and opened a door to the balcony. Tch, she will gain her senses back. I...I will be her soulmate...

I sat there for 10 minutes staring at the city lights. I look up to find a black sky with a couple airplanes. No stars...


"When I get older and earn a bajillion dollars, im going to buy a building with a whole bunch of lights, so that the other people can see how brightly my building shines!"Shinhye exclaimed. 

"Tch, good luck with that."I said. 

"Hey, what a buzz kill..."She said disappointed. 

"Im joking. I bet you will buy two! One for me of course."I snickered. 

"In your dreams. If I buy anyone a building it will probably be Minjin. He is so~ nice!"Shinhye stuck her tongue out at me.

"Whatever~"I laughed. 

"Ilhoonah..."I heard Changsub hyung say. 

I snap out of my thinking.

" did you find me?"I asked. 

"I ran after you. It took a while to find you though."He said. 

He sat down next to me and looked at the sky. 

"Do you really believe that she will snap out of it?"He asked. 

"I dont believe it. I know it."I said bitterly. 

"Thats all you need. I know at the time, she is with Sungjae, but I truly believe you and Shinhye have something special."He said. 

"If this is something to make me feel better-"

"No. Its just something I've observed for a long time. I have never seen Shinhye smile and laugh as brightly with anyone except you. Even when Shinhye kicked you out, I saw a part of her...die in a sense. Even though she probably didnt realize it."he interrupted. 

"Hyung..."I said looking at him.

"Dont give up. Whatever you do, fight for whats yours. And if it doesnt work out, then it just wasnt meant to be. But, hey. You should still keep striving right?"He smiled. 


"Hyung, stop. Thats embarrasing."I said. 

"Sorry sorry. Hey, we are planning on going to eat dinner. Want to come?"He asked. 

"No...I think Im going to stay with Shinhye for tonight..."I said. 

"Suit yourself. FIGHTING."He smiled and went back inside. 

I looked up at the sky and see a tiny star shining weakly. Maybe this is a sign...a sign of hope...

Authors Note:

Omg, 2.9k reads! I LOVE YOU GUYS. I know I said that I was going to do a giveaway at 3k reads but... I decided that maybe I should bump it 4k. yes. IM SO SORRY IM EVIL. IM GREEDY FOR MORE READS. KYA. SORRY. But, spread the fanfic to people and the 4k may come sooner than you know it<3 And yes, its getting cheesy i know. But, we had a discussion in class this week about people dying because its getting too hard or its getting to stressful. They didnt have someone to lean on and to tell them "Dont give up". I want to spread the word that we should tell people not to give up, because, for all you know, that person may be thinking about killing themselves. So, do something to let people know that your there for them, even if its something small. So for those people out there reading this fanfiction, DONT GIVE UP. WHETHER IT BE SCHOOL, SPORTS, OR LIFE IN GENERAL, DONT GIVE UP. I LOVE YOU~^^

Thanks guys:D

It All Starts With Friendship[A BTOB Fanfiction~]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang