Chapter 3

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All Ranmaru wanted was a normal day – was that sooo much to ask?

It started this morning where the rocker was found peacefully tucked in bed and was snoozing away. He had a generally good sleep considering that he hadn't had much to do last night and his flirt of a kouhai did his assignment instead of waiting for the next day. In addition, the hoo-ha Reiji was off to Tokyo so Ranmaru was headache-free for at least a week.

Well, that was what he thought before deciding to wake up.

The grumpy sempai opened his vision to the world and immediately knew he committed a mistake.

'Oh's him again!' Ranmaru thought in horror as he stared into the green eyes that could unleash all demonic undoing into the world.

"Ohayo Ai-chan! It's a wonderful day!" The Piyo-loving Natsuki cheered once his precious sempai was up. "You seemed to have slept well!"

"A little too well. You're an hour late in waking. It's already eight o'clock." Syo pointed out. "Are you alright?"

What the –

Ranmaru looked at Syo, then at Natsuki, then at the room he was in. Where was his bass guitar? His rock posters? His rock magazines? Where on earth was Masato? Ren could just get lost for all he cared, but what the hell was he doing in Ai's room? Why were his bandmate's kouhais staring at him oddly? Why was he asking so many questions in his head when he should be raging right about now!?

"Something the matter, Ai? You haven't said anything." Syo began after an awful moment of silence.

"Aww~ maybe Ai-chan had a nightmare! He must need a hug!" Natsuki exclaimed and proceeded to hug his sempai.

Without thinking twice, Ranmaru sprung out of bed and successfully avoided the infamous bear hug of the tall blond. The meat-lover stood a safe distance away from the two violinists and by safe, it meant the spot nearest to the door.

The rocker glared at them. "Why am I here? Explain!"

"This is our room. This is where we stay." Syo spoke slowly to which Natsuki nodded in agreement.

"Lies! You must've taken me hostage or is this a sick prank Reiji got you to do!? Tell me!" Ranmaru barked.

The two blond males exchanged looks of concern. They never encountered their sempai behaving so violently nor did they expect the cyanette to act so out of character. All they did was greet him good morning and point out his late waking. Geez, must really hurt his android pride or whatever.

"Ai? Are you sure you're okay? Did you get a bug or something?" Syo asked.

"NO! And why the fuck do you keep calling me Ai!?" Ranmaru exclaimed.

Oh Syo was just 2 seconds away from dismantling the wires of his sempai.

The aforementioned teen groaned in annoyance. "Then what else are we supposed to call you!?"

"Syo-chan, maybe Ai-chan rebooted and had forgotten everything!" Natsuki reasoned upon sensing the growing irritation of his friend. The bubbly blond went to get a handy mirror. "See, Ai-chan? This is the cute you~!"

Ranmaru blinked. There seemed to be a few things different of him. His eyes were cyan, his hair was cyan, his face was a bit feminine, and –after a late realization – his voice was of a higher pitch compared to his usual deep tone. His rocktastic image was nowhere to be seen in the mirror; all he saw was his usually stoic bandmate who now sported a look of shock.

"I think his circuits need a check-up." Syo began after witnessing his sempai frozen in place.

Natsuki agreed. "You're right, Syo-chan. I'm worried about Ai-chan..."

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