Chapter 8

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The moment Camus was dragged out of the building by an unsuspecting Tomochika, Cecil knew he was on his own and hell he had no idea on what to do. The fierce blond usually dictated whatever work that needed to be accomplished and Cecil would just follow, so this situation where he had to play senpai served as a challenge. Not only did he have to deal with his own duties, but also he had to cover Camus' job because Haruka had no future in acting as a cold-hearted, two-faced royal. It had always been Cecil's dream to work with Haruka alone but not like this. It was not at all pleasant to look at the woman you so loved with admiration and only to remember whose eyes you were looking into and right now, Cecil was looking into the ice blue orbs of his senpai.

"What are we going to do now, Cecil-san? Without Camus-senpai, how are we supposed to know what to do?" Haruka asked worriedly.

The black-haired prince felt the weight of the world on his shoulders – that, or perhaps it was because everyone gazed at him and expected an answer. Even the remaining Quartet Night were looking at him expectantly.

Geez, if Cecil found this situation which he caused difficult to handle, how much more when he someday becomes king of Agnapolis?

'The muses must be testing me. Again.' The prince thought miserably before he cleared his throat. "As what Camus said, we should do our best to act as if nothing happened."

"That's kinda hard to do, frankly speaking." Ranmaru grumbled.

"Aww...don't be such a downer, Ran-Ran!" Reiji exclaimed.

Cecil was quick to add, "D-Don't worry senpai! We will be with you to make sure, uh, what you're doing isn't too out of character! The rest goes for all affected." He then turned to his bandmates. "Everyone, let's do our best and guide our senpais out of this!"

Cecil's awkward speech seemed to have lightened the room as the members of Starish grinned and gave a reassuring nod. The former cat was just glad nobody threw a lamp at him unlike the previous switch mayhem. He swore he had nightmares about a stiletto digging right though his skull.

Ren was the first to speak. "Well? You heard Cesshi."

"I'm surprised you didn't do some strange ritual dance on the spot." Syo commented. "I'm impressed."

"Our senpais will be taken care of." Masato said a bit too darkly for Reiji's taste.

"At least say it with cheer, Masayan! You sound like you're plotting our murder!" The clown senpai exclaimed.

"Leave him. That's just how he speaks." Ranmaru explained. 'Although murder sounds good right about now.'

With things settled, the pretty idols went to carry out their duties, all while silently praying nothing or nobody would screw things up. Cecil stayed with Haruka ofc since the composer took the body of Camus.

"Camus-senpai has an interview today? Oh dear, how am I supposed to do this??" Haruka panicked.

"Relax, it'll be alright." Cecil cooed. "It's just a question and answer about working with Quartet Night and with Starish so you can pull it off. Plus, I'll be there to guide you in case you get lost so no need to worry."

"Okay. Thanks, Cecil-san." Haruka said with a smile.

The cat-boy returned the gesture and swooped in to embrace her.

Then he remembered the person he was hugging and abruptly let go. He was glad his senior was snatched away by Tomochika and that the others left or else Cecil would never live to see the next sunrise.

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