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Ramin's POV

Ramin walked towards the boarding gate, his passport and ticket in hand, along with a carry-on. It contained the things he'd need immediately after he'd reached Japan, so he wouldn't have to actually open his luggages until he got to the hotel.

After Ramin had boarded the plane, he just slept through the entire plane ride. He was tired; the past week had been a very hectic one, what with Ramin having to pack up his stuff in a hurry. He had just ended his run in Les Mis on Broadway not too long ago, and had to start rehearsals just a few days after. And then, he had to make the necessary arrangements so that everything would be fine while he was in Japan.

Although he had slept while on the plane, he still felt a little disoriented due to the time difference.

He checked himself into the hotel his directors had booked for the cast to stay in, before drifting off to sleep once again, wanting to be well-rested so he would be able to perform well during rehearsal the next day.


"Ramin and Kaley, let's run through The Music of the Night once more," Hal said, "start with 'floating, falling'."

Ramin began singing, as he and Kaley did the blocking.

"Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation..." he sang, as Kaley rested her head on his arm.

"Stop," Hal interrupted. The pianist stopped playing immediately, and Ramin stopped singing.

Hal showed Ramin and Kaley how to do the blocking better. "Put your hand a little further down," he told Ramin, before addressing Kaley, "and let me see you use him as a pillow." He positioned Ramin's arm and moved Kaley's head down a little. "That's really what the original Phantom was like, and we'll see what happens."

"All the way?" Kaley asked, not sure if she should put her head all the way down on Ramin's arm.

"Yes," Hal confirmed.

They worked on that particular part a few more times, until Hal was satisfied, and they could go sit down for a break.

Ramin was very excited about this show - it was different from shows he usually did, in the aspect that he had to play many different characters in the space of 2 hours. The fact that he got to do the show in Japan added to his excitement. He'd been to Japan before, to do a concert called 4 Stars, with Sierra, Lea Salonga and Yu Shirota. He liked Japan a lot, and the people were friendly. He could not wait to perform in front of a Japanese audience once more.

[ About 2 weeks later ]

Sierra's POV

After checking that she had everything she needed with her, she grabbed her purse and walked out the door. It was a beautiful morning, and she decided to walk to the theatre, since it was just a few blocks down. She was wearing a T-shirt, yoga pants and had her hair pulled up into a ponytail.

Upon reaching the theatre, Sierra saw the guy playing Dewey, Alex Brightman, already sitting there, talking to Andrew Lloyd Webber, along with a few of the kids.

Alex was wearing a grey T-shirt, and had a few whiskers on his chin, which indicated he probably hadn't gotten the chance to shave for a while. Who knew, maybe he just liked it that way.

Beard aside, Sierra figured that she should get to know Alex better. After all, they would be working together quite a bit.

Maybe it was just a figment of her imagination, but Sierra thought she saw Alex giving her a once-over before raising his eyebrows at her, when she'd come in. Either way, Sierra decided to get to know the guy before judging him.

From what she'd heard, these kids that were part of the show were extremely talented. Having seen several of their auditions because the creative team of School Of Rock had posted them on YouTube, Sierra'd been even more excited to work with them.

After a while, everyone had arrived at the theatre. "Introduce yourselves," Andrew told them, "Alex, could you start first?"

"Hi, I'm Alex, and I'm playing Dewey. I haven't done many shows; this is my first lead role. I've done Matilda, Wicked, Glory Days and Big Fish."

After a few more of Sierra's cast members had introduced themselves, it was finally her turn.

"Hi everyone. I'm Sierra Boggess, and I'm playing Principal Rosalie Mullins. Some of the roles I have played include Christine Daae in both Phantom Of The Opera and Love Never Dies, Ariel in The Little Mermaid, Sharon Graham in Master Class, Rebecca Steinberg in It Shoulda Been You."

"Hey, I saw you in The Little Mermaid!" a small boy, whose name she later found out was Luca, piped.

"Really?" Sierra smiled.

"Yeah!" he said. "You were amazing!"

"Thank you!" she always loved hearing what people thought of her performance, so she could improve where necessary.

When everyone had introduced themselves, Andrew told them to look for their dressing rooms, which had their names on it.

Sierra practically ran to hers, eager to see what it looked like. Studying the wall of the dressing room, she wondered if she was allowed to hang pictures on it.

It would do well for a Barbra Streisand shrine, the fangirl part of Sierra's brain thought.

Well, there was only one way to find out, which was to ask Andrew himself. Half walking, half jumping out of the room excitedly, Sierra made her way to where she knew Andrew would be.

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