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Sierra's POV

"Nervous, babe?" Alex Brightman smirked at Sierra as he took their places. It was opening night.

"Uh..." Sierra honestly didn't know what to say. Alex had been hitting on her since the first week of rehearsal.

"Good luck, baby." Alex kissed Sierra's cheek sloppily, and left to take his place.

Sierra touched her cheek. It was wet. She wiped it off quickly. She didn't know why Alex kept hitting on her; he had a girlfriend for goodness' sake. It'd gotten worse after he'd asked her out, and she'd rejected him.

Sierra shook her head, trying to clear her head of the thoughts that were filling her head. Get yourself together, Sierra, she thought to herself, you have a show to do.

"Are you and him together?" Luca Padovan giggled. He played Billy, the hair salon guy in the show.

"Uh, no?" Sierra honestly didn't know what to say.

"Okay, because I can see that he really likes you," Luca smirked cheekily at her as the other kids laughed.

"Uh, okay? Um, break a leg, guys." Sierra chose to change the subject.

Taking her place, she felt the familiar rush of excitement as the orchestra began warming up.

"You are enough, Sierra. Remember you have nothing to prove, only to share," she repeated her mantra a couple of times to remind herself.

Sierra walked to the front of the stage and bowed, amid applause from the audience.

She loved seeing the faces of the audience when after they had just seen the show.

After curtain call, she changed into her red dress to get ready for the opening night party.

"You guys look great," Sierra complimented everyone as they stepped into the limousine that would take them to the venue of the party.

The kids thanked her, but Alex Brightman, however, clearly had other plans.

"As do you, baby." He touched her cheek and pinched it. "How about you come over to my place tonight and we can-"


"What? Oh, you want me to go over to yours instea-"

"Alex, just stop it."

Alex didn't say anything, but smirked at her.

Sierra sighed. It was going to be a long night.


Ramin's POV

The Prince of Broadway was going really well - the Japanese were friendly, and he and the cast got along well.

There was Josh Grisetti - who was practically the Hadley Fraser of the US. He had a wicked sense of humour and loved to play pranks on the rest of the cast.

Then there was Kaley. She was very sweet, and was one of the best Christines he'd gotten to work with. She was good, but nothing compared to Sierra's Christine, in his opinion. Sierra was beautiful as she was talented. She was a great friend, and fun to be around.

He hadn't been to Asia much as he was working on Broadway, the West End and Toronto a lot; it was closer to home. He loved Japan, but he missed Amanda and his boys, Jaiden and Hadley.

Strangely, Amanda hadn't contacted him for close to two weeks. It wasn't like Amanda to ignore his texts. Then again, Ramin reminded himself, it was probably one of those months where the kids had exams coming up, and she had to help them with their homework. She'd probably been reading his texts, but was busy, and meant to reply later on, but she had forgotten.

Like he always did, he sent her a text: How was your day? Miss you and the boys so much. Love you! X

He turned off his phone and headed to the theatre. He had a show to do!

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