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[author's note : sorry for not updating for awhile, was really busy with exams and then I got locked out of my account. but I'm back now :)
just a reminder : I don't intend to insult anyone at all! the way the characters are in this story are to help with the storyline, I'm sure they aren't like this in real life! it's just fiction and I really don't mean to offend anyone! enjoy the chapter!]
Ramin's POV

"Quick, where's my laptop?" Ramin demanded.

"Why are you asking me?" Josh Grisetti shrugged, popping a wad of gum into his mouth. "I wouldn't know where you put your laptop."

"Aha! Here it is." Josh had spotted Ramin's laptop under a few bags of food Ramin had received from his fans, sweeping the gifts off of the table and onto the floor in the process.

"My cookies! How am I supposed to eat them now?" Ramin wailed. The cookies were probably crushed and wouldn't be as crunchy now that they were in fragments.

"Crushed or not, I don't mind eating them for you," Josh offered helpfully.  "And what do you expect, your hotel room is soooo cluttered. Do you want to Skype Sierra, or not? She's probably waiting on us."

"Of course!" Ramin grabbed his computer and opened it as quickly as he could as the cookies lay forgotten on the ground.

As they'd expected, Sierra was already online, tapping her fingers against the table as she hummed, a cup of tea on the table next to her.

"Sierra!!!" Both Ramin and Josh greeted her.

"Did you miss me?" Josh asked, sending her an unmotivated wink.

"Ha ha ha. Who'd miss you? She misses ME. Right, Sierra?" Ramin interrupted.

"We were in It Shoulda Been You together! Hashtag "It Shoulda Been You". Hashtag "show family". You were my ex in ISBY!" Josh beamed at her.

"Excuse me. I was in Phantom with her. Love Never Dies. 4 Stars. And that's just to name a few. And I wasn't just her ex. I was her lover. Ha! Beat that," Ramin smirked.

"I really miss..."

Ramin and Josh looked at Sierra hopefully.


"You troll!" Ramin and Josh said in unison.

Sierra said nothing, but the side of her mouth twitched with amusement.

"How's POB?" Sierra asked.

"Good, the Japanese fans are really supportive and friendly. They even bring us food!" Josh told her excitedly.

"Huh, we all know that all you care about is food," Ramin scoffed.

"Well, so do you. Who was the one that got so upset when his cookies were crushed?" Josh retorted. "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH MY COOKIES AHHHHH MY BABIES ARE CRUSHED IN FRAGMENTS ON THE FLOORRR!!!!! MY COOKIES ARE CRUSHED AND THUS SO IS MY SOUL. I LIVE FOR COOKIES AND COOKIES ONLY!!!" He mocked Ramin, who gave him the stink eye.

Sierra giggled as she listened to her friends bicker.

"School of Rock is going really well, thanks for asking, guys." Sierra said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," Ramin replied, smirking at her.

They chatted awhile more, before Ramin and Josh announced that they had to go, as they were leaving for Osaka the next day, and wanted to be well-rested for the journey they had to make.

Josh returned to his own room, and Ramin started to pack up his things so that he could just grab his things and go the next morning.

Ramin got into bed, and was about to turn out the lights when he remembered something.

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