10 - Lies

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Andrew's lies began with the water. Soon, the lies lined up like buttons on a dress shirt, keeping Lithe closed in, ironed up and only his.

He explained to his worried mother that the water in the sink had come out too hot and had burned him. A late night call to the superintendent, a change to the max temperature on the water heater, a bandage. All was done by morning.

During breakfast, Andrew resolved to never see Lithe again. It was the safe thing. He would never have to feel the terrible longing to touch, not only her delicate hand, but the place she had shown him. A terrain of beings who merged and morphed as the elements allowed. The fire creatures, separate but also one single, swallowing force, invited him in to be devoured, to be used. He wanted nothing more than this.

And so it was goodbye to Lithe-like-light. He set his jaw to it.

A second lie, and this time to himself.

But January is a very gaunt month filled with skeletal branches and white winds that pushed at him. By dinner, he had a new plan. He would be much more careful this time. He wouldn't be burnt or devoured. Just friends.

The following supplies were collected: sunglasses, oven mitts, sunblock and a bottle of water. He tore the dictionary pages into small scraps, which would give off less smoke. He would feed her slowly. He didn't want her to eat too much and burn too bright. Just enough to keep her returning for a little bit more.

But never too much and certainly never enough.

And perhaps, if he was lucky, she would do the same for him.


Have you ever believed your own lies?

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