23 - Shake

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The vent piping surged from the wall. Plaster fell from the ceiling. Like an enemy's fist it struck the tray, almost knocking it over.

Andrew scrambled to his feet, kicking the vent.

"BRING HER BACK OR DIE!" Fornax belched.

The vent surged forward again, the entire wall. They scrambled backward.

Cracks snaked up the wall from the vent opening, then Fornax tried a different tactic.

Lithe's flames began to blow back. Andrew's hair covered his eyes.

Fornax was sucking them through like a straw!

"Help!" Lithe shouted, her whole body growing horizontal.

Andrew ran.

Through his bedroom door, down the hall, he ran.

"Get smaller," Andrew pleaded. He could barely see past the heat.

"I can't!"

Surging walls heaved toward him, vent covers blew out to trip him.

"Don't let him blow me out!" Lithe whimpered, clinging to the log, the papers, growing huge with the eruption of air.

Ten more vents to pass. Each vent surged, sucked, blew out hot air.

"Stay on the tray!" Andrew shouted.

"I'm trying!"

He shouldered his way down the hall, down the stairs, through another hall, out the door.

They were free! Outside at last!

He paused. Lithe looked around, wide-eyed, beholding the outside for the first time. Then she turned toward him.

"Andrew—" she yelled.

He spun around and looked up at the building.

Bricks were falling, the roof was shaking.

It was going to topple over!


That's it for this week! Holy cow! Some crazy stuff is about to go down next week!!

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