First day [1]

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I blinked my eyes open. My vision blurry from the lack of glasses.

I grab my alarm clock and squint my eyes to see the time.


I groaned as I pulled the sheets off myself and sat up, now sitting on the side of my bed.

I squinted my eyes to find my glasses. I patted around my table, too lazy to look as my hands fumbled with the handles.

I put them on and the world became crystal clear again.  Blinking a little more, so my eyes get used to it.

I walk over to the hallway to reach the bathroom and saw my younger sister, Cadenza putting on makeup.

"Good morning Laurnace." She said cheerfully.

I smiled. "Good morning."

I yawned as she quickly grabbed her stuff to make room for me.

"I'm just going to go in the other bathroom." She laughed.

"Are you ready for your sophomore year?" I asked putting my toothbrush in my mouth.

"Yeah." She said smiling and walking out, not making much conversation between us.

I spit my toothpaste out and washed my mouth.

I pushed up my glasses and looked into the mirror.

I played with my hair to tame it a bit.

I sighed and walked out.

I went back to my room, and opened my closet full of clothes.

I picked out a green and white striped shirt, blue jeans, a black hoodie to pull over my shirt and black converse.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and checked the time.

6:45 am.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys.

"Cadenza! Are you ready?" I asked hoping for a response

"Yeah." She said walking with me to the car.

We got to school at about 6:55

"Thanks for the ride." Cadenza said pulling me into a hug.

"No problem sis." I smiled faintly, shutting the car door, quickly making my way over to the school.

I pushed up my glasses again and kept on walking.  They always had a habit of falling off of my face.

I get to my locker and saw one of my friends, Garroth waiting for me.

He smiled. "Hi Laurance." He said in his slight British accent that most of the girls swoon over.

"Hi Garroth. You're here early today." I said concentrated on putting my locker combination in.

"Just for you bro." He smiled.

I liked at him and he had his varsity baseball jacket on.

I tried for soccer in my sophomore year, but I didn't make the team.

I just didn't bother after that.

The 'jocks' see me as a 'geek' or a 'nerd' because of the glasses and the fact that I don't play a sport.

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