Chapter 10

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Waking up to see nothing is a terrifying thing. It's like being inside a coffin that will never be opened again, and you'll be left forgotten.

Help! Let me out, please!

He tries to scream for help, he begs, he pleads, but his voice refuses to utter a sound. He searches blindly for something, anything, that would or could save him from this fear. Nightmare.

He could feel his eyes burn, his head throbbing, his whole body surrounded with heat.

He feels like dying.

What's scarier than dying?

Being forgotten.

That probably explains why nobody is saving him from this hellish fear.

"Dallon? Can you hear me? You gotta wake up. You need to wake up, buddy."

Who are you? How do you know me?

"Please wake up."

I can't wake up. I can't see you.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Dallon."


"I feel like each day you're not returning to normal gives me that sense of dread that I'm slowly losing you."

Losing me?

"I don't know what's going to happen now if this keeps up. I don't think I have what it takes to be the adult here. You always know what to do, even in the craziest situation. You're always calm and I'm just an anxiety-driven mess."

Is that you, Brendon?

"How can I help you? Tell me what to do, Dallon. Tell me how I could help you. Return to normal, please."

But you don't need me anymore. You don't have to worry about me. You don't need to make me your responsibility.

Little Giraffe // BrallonWhere stories live. Discover now