Happy Pill

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 If I could only be so lucky
To take a happy pill
And whenever my day is sucky
There would be some hope still

It's not as if I have good days
Short moments I get glad
If I got happy anyways
This wouldn't be so bad

This empty feeling encompasses me
To others I just seem a bore
Maybe one day I'll count to three
And it would be just that galore

Trying to pull myself away
From bed is not a simple task
Sometimes I wish I'd get praised today
For at least going out with this mask

I tell them that I'd love to join
But there is just one blockade
It's not like I can flip a coin
And then feel up like a parade

Recent history
Is not why I have appeared to be so unkept
It hasn't afflicted me
But you may think that that is why I'm upset

When I don't feel pain
I feel the feeling that is of pure nothing
It's not cloudy rain
Because even then I would be feeling something

If I could only be so lucky
To take a happy pill
I wonder if my days would get chuckly
Or if I am terminally ill  

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