Man, I Really Suck At Life

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Man I really suck at life
And that doesn't set off alarms
But it does that I just left the hospital
And I'm already slicing my arms

At least in my mind
I'm excited to say
I'm not quite suicidal
At least not today

I think I have to take this
One step at a time
Because to me self harm
Isn't fully a crime

But in all honesty
I know it is terrible
Especially to others who see it
For them it's unbearable

Even for me
The benefit is so short
It's just so hard to resist
I'm unable to abort

I want to stop
For those whom I care for
But I almost always crave it
My strength is too poor

I want to bleed
And I want to sting
I think I need help
To stop this thing

But the problem is
Sometimes help isn't what I desire
Sometimes I feel too bad
And want my cuts to feel like fire  

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