Precarious I Am

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"Please don't go"

The words I say

When I feel

You'll go away

I begin to tear up

So immediate and fast

Is this moment

With you our last?

You're close to me

Yet I am no one

If you go

Then I will be done

I am nobody

And you are you

A friend of mine

Who wanted me too

But now you see

That I am not worth it

And my tears

Stream like a faucet

I care about you

Because you are my friend

But as for me

I may as well end

I won't kill myself though

Someone I will find

The problem is

I need them in my mind

I don't just want someone

I need to replace

Can't you see

The fear on my face?

Precarious I am

Because alone I'm nothing

Curled up or cutting

My arms and suffering

If I could be

A person alone

Then I wouldn't be

So suicide prone

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