Listen To Me

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"Flip the table

To the floor

Don't tell anyone

What it's for"

"Scream so loud

Until you pass out

And don't tell anyone

What it's about"

"Just go crazy

Let everything loose

Then later on

Go get the noose"

"You're mad at me?

Then just go mad

Walk out the room

Looking sad"

"You should just die

Kill yourself now

Your closest friends hate you


"Everybody already

Has lost hope

They realized

That you'll never cope"

"Run away

Get out of that place

Why? Because

You're only a disgrace"

"Run away

And starve there isolated

Before they can get you

And have you eliminated"

"You should just kill yourself

Before they kill you

Somebody will

Out of the blue"

"They may not target you

But stuff like that can occur

You're horrible anyway

Nobody will remember who you were"

"If you don't kill yourself

You'll just live to see

That everybody else

Will leave you, but me"

"You're ugly and annoying

What, you're in class?

Do you really think I'll

Stop talking to your ass?"

"Nothing will get better

Nobody wants you

Do you think anyone cares

What you're going through?"

"Throw that book at that bastard

Hit him right upside his head

Nevermind that

Just strangle him instead"

"You think you're going to sleep?

What makes you think that?

I'm right here to keep you awake

Always for oneway chat"

"Everyone hates you

It's just that quick

Everyone wants

To get rid of the lunatic"

"How many times

Do I have to say it?


Before I send others to hit"

"Think I won't do it?

I'll get them to kill

You're not safe

Isn't this a thrill?"

"I'll get people after you

They'll watch you for a while

Use poison in your food

'Cause that's their style"

"Go ahead, keep crying

Curled up in a ball

Tonight I'll have someone

Splash your brains against a wall"

"Don't ignore me

I'm still here

I know you're scared of me

I know your fear"

"I know about everything

Of which you worry

I'm just here to make it worse

And make you suicidal in a hurry"  

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