chapter 6

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Hikari notices your red and puffy eyes and she runs to the doorway to hug you.

"What happened!?" She asks you, "I got shampoo in my eyes, I'm okay though." You fake a giggle, looking over her shoulder. "Your so clumsy Y/N!"

--------------------------------------------------------Later That Night---------------------------------------------------------

Even though Kei hurt you and your quite stubborn, your subconscious is trying to persuade you to go and talk to Kei. It cant hurt to at least hear him out I guess right?

You look at the clock, its 9:45, you have 4 hours till Kei wants to meet on the roof. If he's even there.. I want to fix things with Kei, because, I think I lo-- NO I don't love him! I won't admit to something like that when he only wants me for my body!! Ugh men!

"Y/N! Lets watch some Fruits Basket! I'm ready for some feels!" Hikari breaks you out of you thoughts. I'll wait for him to come to me!

Once again you check you watch, 12:54. I guess I'll make my way up to the roof. I want to fix things.

I climb up to the pipe to the roof, the cold wind whipping my hair. I reach the top of the roof and look out at the view, the twinkling stars and full moon illuminate the back garden, making the roses and daisies shine brilliant colours. This brings back memories of when Hikari, Kei and I would come up here as children and play together until the late afternoon. And now this is Kei and I's meeting place.

You snap back to reality, the reason your here. You look over to the roof, away from the breath taking view. You make eye contact with Kei, his dirty blonde hair flying in wisps around his face. His stare is dark and even more breathtaking than the view. This is it.


Hey guys!! Thank you for all the feed back and encouraging messages! They really help me out!

Sorry for not updating I just haven't been in the mood and I've had a little writers block (T^T)

Thanks for reading! Feel free to like, comment and message me!! I would really enjoy hearing your feedback!!

As always

Love Momo (*^ω^*)

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