Stiles Imagine (For @officialrevonweera)

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Request: Where Stiles and I are the only humans in the pack but a new enemy comes to town, I get kidnapped and get turned into a vampire. I'm scared and Stiles helps me through my blood lust and to control myself.

Thanks for requesting my sweets! I hope you enjoy x 

p.s i know this isn't how you become a vampire (i'm going off the shadowhunters way of turning), but i didn't wanna string out the imagine for too long so i cut some corners.

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Being one of the only humans in a pack of werewolves and werecyotes and foxes and banshees had its downsides. Besides the fact that you lacked the supernatural ability, you always seemed to be the first one to be attacked by the latest enemy to make its way to Beacon Hills. 

Stiles, your boyfriend, was still seemingly trying to recover from being turned into a nogitsune for a brief period. That was a stressful time for the entire pack, and you couldn't even begin to fathom how stressful it would have been for Stiles. 

Currently, you heard Scott speaking of a group of vampires getting around town. He'd told Stiles and yourself to keep an eye out and to be careful, and you really did think you were doing as he said but when you woke up in an unfamiliar room, you couldn't stop your mind from skipping to conclusions. 

With a groan, you pushed yourself up from the floor. The room you were in was rather empty, besides the odd chair in the corner on the other side of the room. 

You stood carefully, shuffling over to the door. You knew it would have been locked, but you tried anyway. You tugged and turned at the door knob, praying for it to open but still having no luck. 

"Help!" You cried, banging your fists against the door. "Is anyone there? Help!" 

Suddenly, the door was swung open and you were shoved to the ground again. A guy walked in, and you watched him with wide eyes as he smile down at you. 

"Good, you're awake," He squatted down in front of you. "I was beginning to worry I had drained a little too much of your blood." 

You sat in shock, heart racing as your hand instinctively moved to cup your neck and there they were. Two small holes could be felt on the side of your neck and it was enough to make it feel as though your stomach was dropping. 

"What-" Your eyebrows furrowed, pointer finger moving over the holes. "What's going on? Who are you?" 

"I'm your new leader," He spoke softly, calmly. "You should start to feel it all soon enough. I've blocked out the windows already, just to keep you from getting any sunlight. You'll thank me later. Its just a waiting game now. I'll be back up in the morning with your first breakfast. Until then, just relax and let it happen." 

Your throat grew dry as he spoke, watching in horror as he stood again and walked out of the room and shutting the door behind him. It took a moment, but eventually his words began to sink in. 

He'd turned you into a vampire. 

Your hands began to shake, tears welling in your eyes as panic settled in the pit of your stomach. You were so scared and all you wanted to do was curl up in your bed with Stiles and not leave ever again. But, you couldn't do that. You were stuck in this dark room with the daunting realization that by morning you were going to be a vampire.

You tried not to worry about it too much, instead crawling across the room and settling in the corner where you let your head rest against the wall. With a few deep breaths you willed yourself to sleep, praying that things would be better by morning. 

The next day, you woke to the sound of the door opening. Instinctively, you sat up immediately and backed away from it. Though, it wasn't the vampire who walked in as you were expecting. 

Scott came in, eyes immediately landing on your form. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Stiles dashing into the room, almost falling over his own two feet as he stumbled over to you. 

"Revon, oh my God," He gasped, well out of breath. "We've been looking... Looking for you since yesterday morning. You have no idea how worried... How worried I've been." 

He collapsed down in front of you, hands moving to cup your face and you couldn't help but wince away from him. You could see his eyebrows furrowing at you, but you couldn't bring yourself to look at him. You felt different, and you knew exactly why but Stiles didn't and you didn't know how you were supposed to tell him what had happened exactly. 

"Revon? Revon what's going on? Please, look at me." 

"I don't want to hurt you," You managed to whisper out

"What are you talking about-" His words faded out, and you knew he'd caught sight of the bite marks. It took him a moment, but he seemed to eventually catch on to what had happened. He spoke up again with a softer tone, "You wont." 

"But what if I do?" You fought back immediately, finally making eye contact with him, eyes wide and worried. 

Stiles faltered for a moment, not knowing how to reply. You kept eye contact, tears blurring your vision as you began to feel your urges getting more intense. 

"Remember when I got turned into the nogitsune?" He asked, and you nodded at him. "I was so worried I was going to hurt you, too. But you never left my side. Not even when things got bad. You didn't leave me when I needed you the most, and I'm sure as hell not going to leave you when you need me." 

He moved one of his hands up, wiping away a stray tear as you nodded at him again. 

"Now, c'mon. We don't have much time before that kidnapper guy comes back." 

He lifted you up into his arms, holding your body close to him as he carried you out of the room and begins to follow Scott back towards the front door. 

"What happens when he realizes I'm gone?" You asked quietly. 

"I'll protect you," He answered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I, and the rest of the pack, wouldn't let anything happen to you." 

Just before Stiles walks with you outside, Scott managed to find a blanket in the room to throw over you to protect you from the sunlight before they were rushing out, towards Stiles' Jeep. 

It took a while for you to finally grasp onto the concept that you were, in fact, a vampire now, but you were so lucky to have Stiles by your side the entire time. 

He did a rather extensive amount of research to help you understand what you were, and what came along with it. Then there were the blood lusts. They were the hardest times but Stiles never gave up on you, and neither did the rest of the pack. 

The support you received from everyone meant the world to you, and you were sure you would have gone mad without them there to help you. 

Currently, you were cuddled up with Stiles in bed. Today had been a particularly bad day; You'd been having trouble controlling yourself up until this point. Stiles had managed to come up with a few tactics to get you to calm down, but cuddling with him was definitely your favourite one. 

"I love you a lot, you know?" He mumbled, smiling down at you. "Vampire teeth and all." 

You laughed gently, cuddling further into his embrace and letting out a content sigh, "I love you, too. Human teeth and all." 

Sure, you may have been turned into a vampire but that only added variety to your pack, and there was nothing wrong with that. In fact, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  

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