Chapter 4

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  The priestess began gathering up at the Temple of Athena where Athena was awaiting for them. The priestesses were ordered to sit down and wait for Athena's arrival. Among Medusa's appearance were others including little female children who were going to become priestesses when they develop during adulthood. The large doors began to open as a large and tall woman enters the Temple of Athena. What such beauty she was. She walked into the temple with courage and exquisiteness. "Good day priestesses in my presence." "Good day Athena." The priestesses replied back. Athena looked at the priestesses among her and smiled as she walked on. "A good ole fashion show would be a delightful idea wouldn't it?" Medusa questioned to Athena. Athena walked up closely towards Medusa and went on by saying, "One of my lovely priestess that always has wonderful ideas, Medusa. A play for what exactly?" "Well," Medusa continued, "a play for our town. Our lifestyle should be known here to change. There are a lot of people in poverty here and there's people stealing another's belongings. This needs to stop right away! Don't let me not include the sins of the females around town! We women need to show posture and manners, not showing your beautiful bodies off for men that on pleasures for the fun of it! Let's make it right and solve this situation here. Who's in with me?" The priestesses began clapping to Medusa's idea of a town play. "Well done Medusa," Athena said, "well done." The priestesses and Athena really enjoyed Medusa's idea of a play and decided to go on with it. "This should be a fun idea to show our townspeople. They can learn and also change from this play. Well done." Sleeping soundly in her cave, Medusa was awoken by the sound of townspeople far away. Medusa had to swim a little boat in order to get towards the town. Poseidon's Temple was sought on fire. Screams were the only thing that she could hear at the moment. From her eyes, she saw blazing fire going every single direction. The only person she had on her mind was her only truly friend, Sirosin. Medusa ran quickly towards a path to Sirosin's little village where she lived. Medusa finally made it to Sirosin's little home which was burned to the ground. "Why?" Medusa questioned shouting to the burning house. "Why take my friend? Take me instead! Let me burn in the underworld with Hades." Medusa began constantly thinking about the last thing Sirosin said to her out of anger. "Why did I have to be so furious to my one only true friend? Let me burn with you Hades. I need no condolences, let me die with pain just like my fiancé and only friend." Medusa quickly wiped the tears from her face and walked away from Sirosin's home. As she walking past every house that had blazing fire, she sees a very huge sized man getting out of the ocean with burned bruises all over him. The burned, bruised man quickly healed after getting from the water. The oversized man that Medusa noticed getting from the ocean was Poseidon. Medusa started wondering, "Could Poseidon had started this fire?" As all of the fires cooled down, Medusa decided to go back to Sirosin's home to look for clues. While Medusa was inside Sirosin's home looking for clues, she sees used sheets on the floor that smelt like a man and a woman making love. "Could Sirosin been sleeping with a man upon this night?" Medusa asked herself. Medusa began smelling the house once again and began recognizing something that smelt familiar outside. Medusa said while thinking, "Poseidon had the same smell on him after coming out of the ocean. Could Sirosin been sleeping with Poseidon? Could the unborn child of Sirosin be fathered by Poseidon?" Medusa looks shockingly surprised that Poseidon was behind all of this madness with outgoing fire that happened that night.

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