Chapter 7

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  Calm, quiet, peaceful, this didn't seem like Attica. Medusa woke up in the bedroom all alone. Medusa was upset to see that Poseidon wasn't in the bedroom with her. Outside were the children playing games with their friends; all adults were either having free time or making sensational love. Medusa decided to pick some fruit for Poseidon and a few of his young children. It's been awhile of Medusa visiting the Garden of Fruit. The grass grew longer since the last visit of Medusa. "These pretty leaves and plants; how long has it been my pretties? I come to pick more of you fruits for treats. Who may I pick?" Medusa began rambling through numerous types of fruit choosing the best looking ones. As she picked a fruit, she hears some unusual noises. "Is anyone there?" Medusa began asking numerous of times. There was no answer but the constant sounds. Medusa didn't want whoever was making those sounds to see her, so she spied on whoever it was. Medusa began crawling on the ground quietly towards a cliff. As Medusa gets to the edge of the cliff, she sees something unusual down below. There on the ground, Medusa witnessed her husband having an affair on Medusa with another woman. "Must this be another mortal or immortal sleeping with the immortal I call husband?" Medusa began asking herself quietly. As she was witnessing Poseidon's affair, Medusa began crying. One of the tears came from her eye and decided to hit Poseidon on the left shoulder. Medusa notices that Poseidon has stopped making love toward the woman. "Who is among the cliff?" Poseidon questioned immediately. Medusa ran quickly as possible so that Poseidon doesn't see her. As Medusa is running for the sake of her marriage, she began crying some more. Medusa finally makes it back to the town of Attica and decided to go to Poseidon's Temple. As she lay in bed, Medusa began questioning herself once again. "Is it me that Poseidon doesn't love anymore? Why do this to our marriage once again?" Medusa begins crying because it wasn't his first time having an affair on her. Medusa began having a flashback about the time Poseidon had an affair with one of the priestesses. "Is my life that unimportant?" Medusa began taking a deep breath. "Let's be calm and patient. My birthday is tomorrow, I should be happy." Medusa continued talking to herself. Medusa heard footsteps walking towards the bedroom. Medusa quickly jumped back into bed and pretended to be sleep. Entering the room was Poseidon who was all sweaty waiting for a nap with his wife. As he lay right beside Medusa, Medusa began feeling uncomfortable sleeping with him. Later on that day, Medusa awoken up through the night worried about the affair. She had seen Poseidon have affairs on her more than three times. Medusa went outside to get some fresh air. The last time Medusa had an honest conversation was with Sirosin, her one and only friend. "My life is so miserable." Medusa said to herself once again. "There's nothing here for me. My fiancé died, my only friend died, and now my husband is having sinful relationships with mortals, immortals, and priestesses." "Hades," Medusa screamed out loud, "I need you to take me to the underworld with you and let me golden hair and pure flesh burn with your happiness of death." Medusa began lying on the ground crying her eyes out. As she looks up upon the sky, she sees a moving star. "Oh, the magic of our little earth that I'm seeing once again has made me a little girl once again." Medusa began wiping the tears from her face. A woman then walks towards Medusa saying, "Oh pretty darling, do you need some love from someone?" Medusa looked up the woman and answered, "If you would like ma'am, I don't really mind." The old mortal got Medusa up from the ground and showed her around the night of Attica where morons and drunk townspeople had fun roaming the town. "Drink," the old woman said, "you'll be fine." Medusa looked at the glass of wine and denied the woman's offer. "No ma'am, I don't drink." Medusa decided to go back inside the Poseidon Temple and rest her head for the rest of the night.

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