Chapter 8

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  Medusa had awoken the next morning to feel great on her birthday. Once again alone with no husband beside her to greet her, Medusa began tearing up. Outside she went, where there were children playing all around the town. "These wonderful children, how delightful they are." Medusa began saying while smiling. From a far distance, Medusa sees Poseidon once again buying some fish for another woman. This woman looked familiar to Medusa; Poseidon was also having a affair on Medusa with the old woman that she met last night. "He's an ungrateful liar." Medusa began saying to herself." Medusa decided to visit her old home before she was married, her cave. The cave was never the same anymore; all of her belongings were gone. The cave was a empty hole with no one there in it. Medusa hears a noise from a far distance. Medusa couldn't think quickly, so she hid behind one of the rocks in the cave. Entering the cave was Poseidon with another priestess. Medusa began getting teary eyed as she witnesses another affair of Poseidon. "How could you do this to me once again?" Medusa shouted out of nowhere. Poseidon and the priestess were shocked to see Medusa hiding behind the rock. "I've been watching you all of these months having affairs, all of these lies. You humiliate me Poseidon, and you will get yours." As Medusa left the two alone in the cave, the priestess demanded questions from Poseidon. "Listen, you need to go back to the village and never speak of this to no one!" Poseidon commanded the priestess. "No," the priestess yelled to Poseidon, "I need answers now! I've been sleeping with a married man. A man that happens to be married to one of my fellow acquaintances, why lie? I should have never slept with you today or the day I gave birth to your child." As the priestess walked away, Poseidon grabbed the priestess and snapped her neck out of anger. Medusa didn't want to go back to the Poseidon Temple. She began thinking about her fiancé and her friend once again. Medusa hurried back to the temple immediately. Medusa grabbed all of her belongings from the Poseidon Temple and hurried towards the Athena Temple to speak to her immediately. While in the Athena Temple, Medusa dropped all of her belongings immediately and began to cry her eyes out once again. "I can't take any of this pain anymore; I need to start my life over. Just leave me to die just like Theomocys and Sirosin." Medusa commanded. Medusa was constantly looking for Medusa in the temple, but couldn't find her at all. As Medusa was about to leave the Temple of Athena, Poseidon was right behind her. Poseidon constantly told Medusa that they needed to talk. "There's no talking to it this time Poseidon, I'm through with everything." Medusa yelled. "What do you mean?" Poseidon questioned sarcastically. "You killed my fiancé Theomocys. You also killed my friend Sirosin!" Poseidon began to laugh and replies, "Sirosin, that dirty excuse of friend? She was my lover; she was also carrying my child that I also burned with her after she tried to burn me." Medusa looked and said, "That's nonsense, you can't kill an immortal." Poseidon laughs and says, "Why don't you tell that to your dead friend." Medusa spits in Poseidon's face and tried to run away. Poseidon grabbed Medusa by her perfect golden hair and slams her on the hard floor. Medusa wakes up feeling dizzy. It was so hard for Medusa to get up, because Poseidon was on top of her raping her. Even though Medusa began screaming as loud as she could, no one even heard her yell. This wasn't how Medusa pictured how to lose her virginity. Medusa was completely disgusted at what Poseidon was doing to her. Poseidon quickly puts his right hand over Medusa's mouth which stops Medusa from screaming. Far away inside the temple hiding behind a carved statue, Athena sees Poseidon and Medusa making love on her floors inside the temple. Athena was completely furious and disgusted. Athena left the temple immediately to let Poseidon and Medusa finish what they started. As Poseidon was finished, tears began running from Medusa's eyes disastrously. Medusa immediately put her robe back on outraged at Poseidon. "Look what you've done to me. I was waiting for the right moment, you ruined it all. I'm done with you." Medusa left the Temple of Athena and headed back to her old home, the cave. Medusa quickly jumped into the ocean to clean herself from the horridness that she witnessed and felt. Medusa was completely disgusted with herself.

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